how much light does my seedling need


i've been trying to germinate 7 seeds and one sprouted 5 days ago but the others haven't...I have them in my hot house with a heating pad...but not sure what to do about the light


Active Member
how are you germing them. as soon as you see baby leaf they need light about 50watt plus.. germinating seeds should take 3 days till they show and need light. make sure that they dont dry out


I have them in a rapid rooter plug in a tray with a heat mat under it and a 7" dome and a 13watt LED over it...should I plug the holes of the ones that haven't sprouted yet


Well-Known Member
It has taken me ten days once with a simular set up, each strain is dif. I agree that after five days I start to worry but hang in there. I would not move the sprout out until it is going to touch the top of the dome and you could replace the cfl with a fifty


Active Member
plug them up. keep em moist and fingers crossed. how did you start the germination( moist paper towel, shot glass of water or stick em in the plug straight off). i soak in a shot glass for 24 hrs then move to rockwool never taken more than 4 days to show. horses for courses.


I used the paper towel method on 4 (one is the one that sprouted)...2 I did in a glass of water and one I stuck in the plug as an experiment....I do have an extra 13watt LED...but it sounds like in need more


so i should plant it in my tent in the hydro setup for now until i get more lights ....there is 82 watts LED in there