How much longer before my plants bud


what's up everybody I'm new to this site and about 2 and 1/2 months into my first grow. I planted hem, I have 21 plants, right after Christmas, I live in Florida, outdoors. They are all about 1 and 1/2 feet tall. But only a couple are even starting to bud. I def. have 3 sativas and the rest I'm still trying to figure out. My question is how much longer do I have before they really start to "take off" and bud, and should I start to force flower them? Thanks for all responses.


Active Member
Welcome to the forums.
If they have been outside the whole time they should be budding hard. Planted at xmas means they had time to reach sexual maturity and bud out before the days get to long.
I dont know how many hours of daylight you get.................Once the light period gets up to 13-14 hours the will go back to veg.........
peace B


Well-Known Member
What type of area do u have plants in? Shaded area or full sun? If you have had them growing fo that ling they should be bigger than a foot. Are you training them to stay so short?


thanks for the replies and they are in the woods some in pots some in the ground because I ran out off pots. They get sunlight from about 9:30 in the am to about 5 at night. And no I'm not trying to make them short I water them on a regular basis and give them nutes. They are all looking good but just not very big. And many of them haven't buded yet. Although I can't be sure of the age of some of them because I found 8 of them just growing in my backyard. So what can I do to help the process and maybe get them where they need to be.


Active Member
if ur not too far into flowering cycle u can use a nute bloom booster of some kind to kick the hormones in the ace to produce buds, also make sure the ones u didnt start are all female as well, if u find the growth rate of natural growing in ur area u should be able to figure out an idea of how old there are, not on the dot or anything