How much longer do you think? -Shaman

I know this get's argued alot, but it never hurts to run a few gallongs through your soiless medium. Plants can burn in all mediums, so if they can burn than they are obviously able to extract more nutrients than needed out of the roots/medium. A flush is never a bad idea, there is a reason some weed burns your lips when joint smoked, and/or the ash is black and it won't stay lit. Sorry to those who disagree, but any veteran can tell you that with salt based nutes and hydro nutes in soiless and soil grows for that matter, a flush is vital to a smooth taste and burn. Always rid the plant of excess nutrients.
The flush is for more than just nute Lockout, Marijuana plants/ buds do retain the nutrients they were fed it's common knowledge among weed growers Just my 2 cents and according to articles I've read Ed Rosenthal,Brown Dirt Warrior and Jorge Cerventez all agree. Also I see a good pound there for sure if you leave them a couple more weeks.
It is soil, but thank you for stopping in and letting me know your input :) I will probably try flushing my last ones to an extent with a small flush.. Just to compare for myself I guess lol.
Sorry about the the lack of yield I posted on your plants. With lbs at stake, even a better reason to take more measures. Sleeping in a tent out by them for the next 2 weeks is your call my friend. It basically boils down to the safety of you and your dog. When the sun comes up the next day, id rather see you and your dog healthy and injury free if for some reason it was taken to that extent of force being used to unbtain your ladies. If you are following all the guidelines set forth by the state to make it a legal grow, dont hesitate to call the cops if you really feel threatened. Protect you and dog first. Not sure if you're allowed to have guns on the property with a legal grow but firing off a round would sure make someone second guess their intent to step foot on your property. If not, get yourself some mace and a tazer. F it. If you can get your hands on a cattle prod I would.
But if these articles are pushed aside which most people do because of basic assimilation vs accommodation in psychology. Then learning stops and we continue to do what the past has always done. Indeed some great great growers were mentioned in the above text. But just like science, its ever changing and evolving. What was once done in the past doesn't make it the best/only way to do things in the present. The information and knowledge is out there, it's up to the individual on whether you decide to adapt and use the evidence provided. "Accommodation vs Assimilation"
I hope the articles i posted are actually read. Here is another great read with less scientific jargon to to fiddle through.®-soil-microbes/
I've been really busy recently & haven't had time to read much unfortunately :(

I WILL be referring back to this post and reading them! You seem like a very knowledgeable person and I love reading and learning. The more I learn the better medicine I can produce with the least amount of issues! Can't wait til after harvest is completely done and I have more time to start reading again.

Thank you for taking the time to post those articles as well as helping me out, it is greatly appreciated :)

Sorry about the the lack of yield I posted on your plants. With lbs at stake, even a better reason to take more measures. Sleeping in a tent out by them for the next 2 weeks is your call my friend. It basically boils down to the safety of you and your dog. When the sun comes up the next day, id rather see you and your dog healthy and injury free if for some reason it was taken to that extent of force being used to unbtain your ladies. If you are following all the guidelines set forth by the state to make it a legal grow, dont hesitate to call the cops if you really feel threatened. Protect you and dog first. Not sure if you're allowed to have guns on the property with a legal grow but firing off a round would sure make someone second guess their intent to step foot on your property. If not, get yourself some mace and a tazer. F it. If you can get your hands on a cattle prod I would.
Thank you! Oh and I also meant to say thank you for complimenting my plants! It's my first outdoor grow and I sure am proud of them. I have seen much better looking plants from other members on here, but all that comes with time and experience. Still, I feel like a very proud parent! Especially since its my first outdoor grow and my first real grow I've done. Only have experience with 1 grow cycle from start to finish besides these & had issues with those.
We are not legally allowed guns unfortunately. We are legally allowed bows though. My attorney also said BB guns are not considered firearms and are allowed. I love the idea of the cattle prod! I also have some bear mace I always keep handy. Oh, and no big deal on the lack of yield, that doesn't matter at all, I don't even know why I posted correcting that haha. Pics can be deceiving tho for sure. That plant at one time was 5.5 feet tall and 5 foot wide. Now it's no more than 3.5 foot tall and even wider than before.. The buds are weighing the branches down. About to go start tying more of them up now!

I am thinking I will start staying up nights and "patrolling" the yard or just sitting on my patio watching then sleeping during the day. That way I can keep an eye on everything and call the cops/handle the situation if need be.
But if these articles are pushed aside which most people do because of basic assimilation vs accommodation in psychology. Then learning stops and we continue to do what the past has always done. Indeed some great great growers were mentioned in the above text. But just like science, its ever changing and evolving. What was once done in the past doesn't make it the best/only way to do things in the present. The information and knowledge is out there, it's up to the individual on whether you decide to adapt and use the evidence provided. "Accommodation vs Assimilation"
For sure man I def agree! I love reading and becoming as knowledgeable as possible when I have the time! That way I can decide what works best for ME & my situations rather than following what everyone else does & what works best for THEM.
Thanks once again homie :)

Ill be reading through them when I have time to do so! If anymore good informative reads you know of, please feel free to post!