How much longer till harvest?


Well-Known Member
It looks like something went very wrong here.
Please tell us everything and someone might be able to help you do better next time.
Lighting, light schedule, temps, rh, grow medium
Strain, feed n feed schedule etc.


New Member
I have 2 led red and blue lights, it's on 12/12, room temperature, organic soil, idk the strain, organic plant food once a week.I had problems in the beginning and honestly am surprised it's made it this far.


Well-Known Member
You mentioned having early problems, what were they and how did you fix them?

I don't know about led but that sounds like very low wattage


New Member
Well i stated out very unprepared lol i thought it would be easy so I didnt have a good light source or soil then i lost power for 3days ended up getting spider mite got rid the spider mites with use of a small fan and azamax, I got what I thought was better lights and switched to organic soil.


Well-Known Member
Ok if it is revegging and I can figure out what the cause is how much longer would it take to get back on track?
Weeks and its going to be a mess.

I would get good seeds and start fresh.
Yes it can be salvaged but I wouldn't bother.
Its up to you though.

Im sure there are others here who will differ with me as well.