How much longer until harvest (bagseed, need to know when to bring the nutes down)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
So it's on it's 17th day of flowering today... FUCK!

I wanted to start bringing down the nutrients like 14 days before I cut it and flush it for the last week, but I'm not really sure when I should start doing that... Suggestions on that are welcome too...

Also, do the fuckers EVER stop growing jesus fucking hell, Ill throw in a pic of when I put it into flowering on the 12th (note the top right plant was a male and thrown away)

+ rep for help as always :weed:



Well-Known Member
I don't want your rep.... I want your life! lol J/k Your only 3 weeks in man. Because they are bagseed and you don't know the general flowering time, its up to you to deciede when to stop giving nutes, and start flushing. Generaly, this is done about 2 weeks away from harvest. Your definetly gonna wanna keep feeding until at least 6-7 weeks into flowering. Also, they will double, somtimes triple their original height when put into flower. So if you flowered at 12inchs, you could end up with a 2-3 footer, or anywhere inbetween. Just keep doin what your doin, they look good to me. What kind of lighting are they under? Nutes?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Lol why do you say you want my life?

And yeah I figured/knew about the bringing down the feeding and flushing, but I'm wondering what the signs are, like when will I KNOW when I'm like 2 weeks from harvest? I can tell when the buds are ripe, like hair color trich color and when the hairs start to recede, but I don't know what to look for to figure I'm two weeks away... because its bagseed :P

I'm using fox farms ocean forest, advanced nutrients 3 part, and 252w (actual) of CFL's... keeping the pH at like 6.3

I've been taking pics every so often, and plan on putting all those up along with a journal I've been keeping once I'm done, I've been changing stuff around so much and fucking stuff up it would be really gay to follow, so I figure ill post it all in one go so people can see what CFLs can do when properly utilized...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Ps they are already 3x the size, and I've been keeping lights as close as possible! I still have like a foot and a half of ceiling, I'm also LSTing


Active Member
well you got a ways to go my friend. like that guy said cause its bag seed it could be a sativa dom and go for 16+ weeks! so just keep feeding and just watch them. but judging by the pics id say you got at least another 6 or 7 weeks. good luck with the grow!


Active Member
Ps they are already 3x the size, and I've been keeping lights as close as possible! I still have like a foot and a half of ceiling, I'm also LSTing
then all the real stretch should be over with and it will begin to focus its energy on serious bud production, you should be okay with another foot of vertical space left


Well-Known Member
lol Srry, I had just gotten done watching Blood in Blood out. You pretty much said it yourself. When the hairs start changing colors, receading, ect. All signs that the plant is nearing the end. Keep checking the trics, when there 50/50 cloudy clear or somthing along those lines, you should start flushing. I'm sure if you post a few pics near that time some more experienced growers can give you thier opinion on how long you got. But ultimatley, its up to you. Is this your first grow? No disrespect intended.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
lol Srry, I had just gotten done watching Blood in Blood out. You pretty much said it yourself. When the hairs start changing colors, receading, ect. All signs that the plant is nearing the end. Keep checking the trics, when there 50/50 cloudy clear or somthing along those lines, you should start flushing. I'm sure if you post a few pics near that time some more experienced growers can give you thier opinion on how long you got. But ultimatley, its up to you. Is this your first grow? No disrespect intended.

Yeah Its my first, I was just worried that they'd be like less than a week from harvest and id still be doing full nutes, you know?

I'm not worried about how long it will take, and its indica dominant I believe, even thick leaves with a short bushy plant, I suppose it is too early to tell... ill post some pics in like 3 weeks with close up macro shots


Well-Known Member
Right on bro. Like I said, I can guarentee you can use your nutes until week 6 of flowering. Unless you got an early flowering strain. In my experience with bagseed, thier always 9 weekers or more. I know what you mean to. First leaves mean nothing. There always nice and fat but then start goin sativa later on in thier lifes. Anyways, good luck and keep us posted.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Right on bro. Like I said, I can guarentee you can use your nutes until week 6 of flowering. Unless you got an early flowering strain. In my experience with bagseed, thier always 9 weekers or more. I know what you mean to. First leaves mean nothing. There always nice and fat but then start goin sativa later on in thier lifes. Anyways, good luck and keep us posted.

Good info on the "9 weekers or more"

Man I just happened to smell my finger and fuck! Smells REALLY spicy!

The other one I got smells somewhat skunky :P I don't like the other one as much really, weird ass fan leaves, but they are as big as my fucking hand

