How Much longer, With pics, please i need help im on a tight schedule

How come the plant produces more trichomes with 24-36 hours of darkness before harvest?? and also whats the difference between curing it and jarring it? i thought curing was putting it in the jar and opening it every once in a while to slowly remove the moisture


Well-Known Member
Less water in the soil at harvest will allow you to try the plant out quicker, less moisture in the plant equals quicker drying, less moisture to remove. About the 24-36hr thing, Im not exactly sure the scientific answer but for some reason more trichs are developed during dark time, or atleast thats what Ive always been told, but Im far from an expert and it wont make all that much of a difference. Wish you all the best, take care, Peace!


Well-Known Member
u can shave a few days to a week off by cutting ur lights from 12/12 to 11/13 when ur at 14days till u leave and then to 10/14 for ur last 7... its not recomended for faster yeilds but in ur case, i would...


Well-Known Member
How come the plant produces more trichomes with 24-36 hours of darkness before harvest?? and also whats the difference between curing it and jarring it? i thought curing was putting it in the jar and opening it every once in a while to slowly remove the moisture
plants make energy with light and use it in the dark, thats y u get that stretch when u go into flowering, cuz the longer darkness... when put in 30hr darkness b4 harvest ur forcing it to use up all its stored energy... curring and jarring is the same thing