How much longer?


Well-Known Member
First time grower, Growing PK under a 400w HPS.
I have to move out of my house in 22 days and Im afraid my ladies wont make it to there full potential. What do you guys think? they've been flowering for 38 days but there buds arnt as "fat" as I was hoping.



Active Member
If you have only been 38 days you still got a while man...bud will taste shitty if you pull early but do whatcha gotta do!


Well-Known Member
did you realize its a hermie yet?lol, pic one has some very suspicous yellow growths on it.

Most of the buds mass is added the last few weeks, I dont think youll reach that point in 22 days but if its your only option its your only option. lol


Well-Known Member
click on pic 1 and enlarge it by clicking again, hold your mouse over the picture it takes you to and some option tools will come up, their is one thats not with the others that looks just like a full screen button on a media player where its got arrows shooting outwards, click that option and then look at those yellow growths.....


Active Member
Im new and can't tell, where are these yellow growths? Like i see mostly white hairs and a few orange ones..


Well-Known Member
Im still not seeing the yellow sections your talking about. all I see is wonderful female flowers. Heres three more pics of that same suspicious bud from different angles. Maybe Im just missing something..?



Active Member
Your bud looks great bro. I've been researching and can't figure out this yellow growth thing..
Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
This plant here has quite a few, the 2 most obvious ones are circled but their are lots of others. This isnt a pic of a plant ive grown.
Back to your original, you're going to have to move these puppies under cover of darkness, you don't want to waste them!! Just be very careful.