How much longer?


Well-Known Member
Im on my 6th week of flowering and im planning to go 4 more weeks. ive been giving it a gallon of water at night with a table spoon and a half of organic blackstrap unsulfured molasses for the flowering stage only. other than that ive been letting mother nature do its part. i also was able to mix a couple bananas with peel and all with some outdoor soil and made it into some paste and put it around the stem. gave it an awesome aroma. Purple haze like :smile: not sure if its a sativa or indica so if anyone can tell me id appreciate it to know when to harvest. if anyone would like to help me out with that as well please do so.South Indiana. all the same plant just decided to add one from when it was a wittle baby :):weed:


Well-Known Member
id say 3-4 more weeks should be enough...and it looks like a indica plant...but without knowing the strain it could be a mix...good looking plant tho


Well-Known Member
yup, you got till about halfway through october. if you'll probably have some ready smoke by halloween.