How much longer


Hey guys, this is my first grow solo and I was hoping someone could take a look at these buds and let me know, approximately, how much longer they should be flowering for? I don't have a way to check the trichomes, otherwise this part would be a bit easier. Any input is appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
You didn't mention how long they've been flowering. Looks damn close but I'd say maybe an other week or two. Generally all the pistles should be reseeding into the buds, also the trichs still look clear, should have some cloudy and some amber.....just my opinion. nice buds tho.


Thank everyone! They've been at it for about 7 weeks now. Not really impatient, just curious about my timeframe. Like I said, this is my first grow completely on my own, I've always had a more seasoned grower helping me out in the past. Looking forward to seeing my results in another week or 3, after you factor in drying/curing times and everything.

Dice Clay

Active Member
I would say at least 2 more weeks and be sure to get a look at those trichs to see if they are cloudy or not. This plant is at about 42 days of flowering now, and I know i have at least 2-3 weeks left.IMG_0265.jpgIMG_0262.jpgIMG_0263.jpgIMG_0264.jpg