how much longer?

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First allow the plant to develop some , then manipulate as you like .. Then again , the variety you are growing is not going to respond well to 12/12 from sprout ..
blah blah blah bunch of idiot bandwagon dick riders. theres a plethora of FACTUAL information in here, from chemistry to biology to soil to lighting to plants to disease. keep on riding the rod cowboy faggots
to bad none of it was posted by you...ever. u drinkn gravity boy cuz yo ass is dense
ok the lst didn't really open her up. i removed it, gotta think of something else. maybe if i tie from a higher node?
who trains a 2 week old seedling? u are one huge epic fail as a farmer and as a student. u refuse to accept the basics and until then u will continue to feel copious amounts of negativity on this site. do u like looking foolish or does it come naturally? my 7yr old daughter knows more about farming than u do but i wouldnt let her post about u haha
First allow the plant to develop some , then manipulate as you like .. Then again , the variety you are growing is not going to respond well to 12/12 from sprout ..

why not cauhse its heavy sativa? i have two more diesel (paradise acid and nirvana nypd)

i have two indica heavy nirvana masterkush

only the one remaining acid is feminized.

ideally im looking for a 60/40 sativa/indica. i.think bomb seeds bomb thc will give it to me. hybrid. short plant. short flowering time. high thc plus full range of indica terpenes.
i think what im gonna do is cut part of the cup away, and try and tie the girls down from their necks instead of their bottems.

i was hoping it would work from the bottem, cause i wouldnt interfere with any of the flower sites, but this morning they were standing up normal, just crooked
"There are plenty of tards out there living really kickass lives. My first wife was tarded. She's a pilot now."

"Right, kick ass. Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin', but, ah... it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded. What I'd do, is just like... like... you know, like, you know what I mean, like..."

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.
It's all ball bearings nowadays. Now you prepare that Fetzer valve with some 3-in-1 oil and some gauze pads, and I'm gonna need about ten quarts of anti-freeze, preferably Prestone. No, no make that Quaker State.
the color that we perceive the sun as, which is around 5000k, which is technically green.

to us it just looks bright, or light white light cause were so used to seeing it. the snow and ice just reflect the waves.

" By contrast, the Sun's surface temperature is approximately 5,800 K"

soo..why cant i use a 5500k for veg and flower? im just asking cause i honestly dont understand
the color that we perceive the sun as, which is around 5000k, which is technically green.

to us it just looks bright, or light white light cause were so used to seeing it. the snow and ice just reflect the waves.

" By contrast, the Sun's surface temperature is approximately 5,800 K"

soo..why cant i use a 5500k for veg and flower? im just asking cause i honestly dont understand

You can. You can also use it for tanning. Because the only thing that matters is color temperature.
Snow and ice reflect waves of what?

Polar bear waves, silly.
the color that we perceive the sun as, which is around 5000k, which is technically green.

to us it just looks bright, or light white light cause were so used to seeing it. the snow and ice just reflect the waves.

" By contrast, the Sun's surface temperature is approximately 5,800 K"

soo..why cant i use a 5500k for veg and flower? im just asking cause i honestly dont understand

LOL WUT. The snow and the ice reflect off the waves? What waves? Will I see them tomorrow when I go snowboarding? Because I live in a place that gets tons of snow and ice and I can tell you one thing I haven't seen and that would be waves.

BTW, you are wrong. OMG BIG SURPRISE.

The sun is approximately 6,000 KELVIN. The true color of the sun is approx white. And here is a detailed explanation of why.

Once again, you are wrong and have thus proven yourself to be a dumass. As if you could be anything else.
you will see the sun waves reflecting actually..thats why the ice and snow is so bright. it reflects the sun.

water refracts the light waves, so you see them slowly down, and bending before your very eyes.

i guessed 5k, and then i looked up how much it actually was and it said 5800k, which is closer to 6k. youre just an asshole, plain and simple.

hence why i wanted a pure white bulb, i said it has the most clean energy, white light, powerful..but supposdely a white bulb wont work well on plants?
Why won't u just keep it basic since ur a beginner n all?....why are u doing this?...u can't b for real....I think maybe u get a kick outta stirring ppl amuses u....u couldn't possibly b so ridiculous....
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