how much longer?

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hey man, there was a creator that setup all the energy and the circle of life (after all energy is never created, so who created it? god, i call him the creator), but there is no power or anyone intervening here and now. he made us to heal, but if we fuck it up too badly it wont, like ive done to my body.

the bible was touched, rewritten and translated by man, and therefore its corrupt and not 100%, not even the old testement, becuase humans, even if they are pure, will alwasy bend thought and write things down the way they percevie them. for this reason, none of that is ever fact. jesus was a man, who wanted to do a good thing, and his grave got robbed for money, or forwhatever reason. there was no higher power here on earth, after all, thats EXTREMELY disrespectful of jesus to claim, just like that stupid bitch on tv that says she can communicate with other galaxies, or whatever shes trying to say. utter DISRESPECT for the creator and how he setup the universe, saying you can bend his rules and communicate with other galaxies, or be a non mortal in a mortal environment.

with technology comes faster evolution and with that come the rapid decline of our planet and its recources and even then, i dont think itll end until the sun dies out. itll only be less enjoyable and more sparce and desolate, becuase of people like trousers.

religion only sepearted people, which made war evolve at an even faster pace, even if religion was setup in the first place to try and help.

if you notice, in other third world countries, where technology isnt at such a rapid pace and where wild herds exist, these animal were never programmed to fight amongst one another. the herd only trains together, sleeps together, eats together, lives together, and only fights when there is a threat of being eaten, or to get food for the whole pack. they share. greed is not programmed into their dna yet, and never will be unless we create (destory) things that will make them this way, like materialism, and saying that owning land makes you better and richer becuase you now have all those excess rescources. this is the same way i feel about feminized seeds, but luckily feminized seeds are a less touchy subject.

im roman catholic by birth, but i dont believe in all their every chaning laws and rules.

i believe that there is one god, the creator for any and everything. after all, we are from the same speices, so we are all related, all brothers and sisters.
and its also a fact that energy is never created or destroyed. the ONLY time it was created was when the supernova exploded (whoever set that up) and life spewed everywhere. it landed on every rock (within its blast radius) and where conditions were ideal, life adapated and evolved.

i thought that the sun too would explode, and nova, or supernova and spew life, to continue to cycle, but my buddy who is an astronomist told me its a class g star that will collapse into a white dwarf and just puff some carbon into the air, which in turns makes another star, when the carbon lands in a enviornment where conditions are ideal to start its life.

we adapt to the environment, all forms of life, and never the other way around.

when a female is impregnanted, the energy of the sperm and egg are transfered into life, and the energy of the mother and her food are transfered into life itself.

when we die, our energy is also transfered, it doesnt just get destoryed. BUT is death energtic enough to send us to another galaxy? or does our energy just covert into decomposition energy, and fertilizer for mother earth, after all..we are carbon..just like stars.
hey man, there was a creator that setup all the energy and the circle of life (after all energy is never created, so who created it? god, i call him the creator), but there is no power or anyone intervening here and now. he made us to heal, but if we fuck it up too badly it wont, like ive done to my body.

the bible was touched, rewritten and translated by man, and therefore its corrupt and not 100%, not even the old testement, becuase humans, even if they are pure, will alwasy bend thought and write things down the way they percevie them. for this reason, none of that is every fact. jesus was a man, who wanted to do a good thing, and his grave got robbed for money, or forwhatever reason. there was no higher power here on earth, after all, thats EXTREMELY disrespectful of jesus to claim, just like that stupid bitch on tv that says she can communicate with other galaxies, or whatever shes trying to say. utter DISRESPECT for the creator and how he setup the universe.

with technology comes faster evolution and with that come the rapid decline of our planet and its recources and even then, i dont think itll end until the sun dies out. itll only be less enjoyable and more sparce and desolate, becuase of people like trousers.

religion only sepearted people, which made war evolve at an even faster pace, even if religion was setup in the first place to try and help.

if you notice, in other third world countries, where technology isnt at such a rapid pace and where wild herds exist, these animal were never programmed to fight amongst one another. the herd only trains together, sleeps together, eats together, lives together, and only fights when there is a threat of being eaten, or to get food for the whole pack. they share. greed is not programmed into their dna yet, and never will be unless we create (destory) things that will make them this way, like materialism, and saying that owning land makes you better and richer becuase you now have all those excess rescources. this is the same way i feel about feminized seeds, but luckily feminized seeds are a less touchy subject.

im roman catholic by birth, but i dont believe in all their every chaning laws and rules.

i believe that there is one god, the creator for any and everything. after all, we are from the same speices, so we are all related, all brothers and sisters.
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i posted another if you care to read..

these ARE my opinions like feminized genepools.

and girls masturbuate to the though of me? isnt that a good thing? :p

"What God has to say may be harsh, especially because we are so sinful.
But you must remember that God is Holy, and His ways are perfect.
He calls us to be perfect.
Obviously we fall short, but that is why God sent His son to die for us.. So that through God's grace and forgiveness we could be saved from hell."

this is all viable, except for the last line. jesus was created by religion or vice versa. religion is not factual, although it does tell a lot of the past history. unfortunately, a lot of that past history was wasted time was fighting over who was right and wrong, and that has been the trend forever.
I highly doubt females do it to the THOUGHT (NOT THOUGH) of you.
Male masturbation greatly reduces the chance of producing offspring such as yourself.
lanague was created by man and i could care less about it.

male masturbation trains and keeps the penis and body healthy, and greatly increased the chance of producing offspring in the future.

and urine is a better fertlizer than the shit you use. not only can yours cause a salt/mineral buildup (just like urine can) but urine doesnt cause disease, isnt carcinogenic, doesnt mutate plants, doesnt kill biota and can be flushed down the drain without worrying about death in the runoff water.

the only thing i use ammonium nitrate for is making m1000s during july. im glad you had me in your signature.

"Agriculture Main article: Fertilizer
Urine contains large quantities of nitrogen (mostly as urea), as well as significant quantities of dissolved phosphates and potassium, the main macronutrients required by plants, with urine having plant macronutrient percentages (i.e. NPK) of approximately 11-1-2 by one study[SUP][18][/SUP] or 15-1-2 by another report,[SUP][19][/SUP] illustrating that exact composition varies with diet. Undiluted, it can chemically burn the roots of some plants, but it can be used safely as a source of complementary nitrogen in carbon-rich compost.[SUP][20][/SUP]
When diluted with water (at a 1:5 ratio for container-grown annual crops with fresh growing medium each season,[SUP][21][/SUP] or a 1:8 ratio for more general use[SUP][20][/SUP]), it can be applied directly to soil as a fertilizer. The fertilization effect of urine has been found to be comparable to that of commercial fertilizers with an equivalent NPK rating.[SUP][22][/SUP] Urine contains most (94% according to Wolgast[SUP][18][/SUP]) of the NPK nutrients excreted by the human body. Conversely, concentrations of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, commonly found in solid human waste, are much lower in urine (though not low enough to qualify for use in organic agriculture under current EU rules).[SUP][23][/SUP] The more general limitations to using urine as fertilizer then depend mainly on the potential for buildup of excess nitrogen (due to the high ratio of that macronutrient),[SUP][21][/SUP] and inorganic salts such as sodium chloride, which are also part of the wastes excreted by the renal system. The degree to which these factors impact the effectiveness depends on the term of use, salinity tolerance of the plant, soil composition, addition of other fertilizing compounds, and quantity of rainfall or other irrigation."
Alright, this is no place for philosophical talk... not even for pastafarianism (wow, spell that somehow). bmeat, please listen and only post when you KNOW like a mistake you made and then corrected the second time around. Oh, and try not to get multiple deficiencies at once.... no fun there. I actually only post things that I have done once and corrected and know the outcome because I read it here and applied... then simply passing the word. What you have to try and not do anymore is post as if you are an 'inventor' in cannabis cultivation because you think you can 'interpret' bits and pieces that you do read whilst trying to fill in the gap with your somewhat distorted logic. good luck in growing!
Alright, this is no place for philosophical talk... not even for pastafarianism (wow, spell that somehow). bmeat, please listen and only post when you KNOW like a mistake you made and then corrected the second time around. Oh, and try not to get multiple deficiencies at once.... no fun there. I actually only post things that I have done once and corrected and know the outcome because I read it here and applied... then simply passing the word. What you have to try and not do anymore is post as if you are an 'inventor' in cannabis cultivation because you think you can 'interpret' bits and pieces that you do read whilst trying to fill in the gap with your somewhat distorted logic. good luck in growing! are opening my eyes. i bash on civilization as we know it, but then again i am one downfalls. i speak of something when i have not tested it myself, its kind of like stealing information, plagiarizing, and its frowed upon. a lot of my words are my words and thoughts, and i have experimeneted with a lot of things, but about cultivating, i have not enough experience, so let me shutup.

i do know that chemical nutes mutate the plant. i was using vigoro when i first started, but i decided to switch to super soil and organic feed only through experience. when people told me go organic, i didnt want to, until i did it myself, and found out how wrong it was towards the plant, and towards us.

sure chemical nutes grow bigger plants than organic (if you dont burn it to death with the salt, which is easy to do) thats the mutation you can witness, but its debatable whether or not its a better product. they melt ice with salts like that

when we see a huge muscle head, or a 10 foot person, we dont go nicee. we go, wtf, where did that mutation take place, and are his insides and organs as strong/strong enough to support his soft tissue density?
Still think this whole thread is a wind up hoax. Kid couldn't possible be as mentally challenged and them plants are fucking hilarious. worst i ever seen in all my days. Pure joke , entertaining though. are opening my eyes. i bash on civilization as we know it, but then again i am one downfalls. i speak of something when i have not tested it myself, its kind of like stealing information, plagiarizing, and its frowed upon. a lot of my words are my words and thoughts, and i have experimeneted with a lot of things, but about cultivating, i have not enough experience, so let me shutup.

i do know that chemical nutes mutate the plant. i was using vigoro when i first started, but i decided to switch to super soil and organic feed only through experience. when people told me go organic, i didnt want to, until i did it myself, and found out how wrong it was towards the plant, and towards us.

sure chemical nutes grow bigger plants than organic, thats the mutation you can witness, but its debatable whether or not its a better product.

when we see a huge muscle head, or a 10 foot person, we dont go nicee. we go, wtf, where did that mutation take place, and are his insides and organs as strong/strong enough to support his soft tissue density?

Wow.. You should have deleted EVERYTHING after that first paragraph. A 10ft tall person? What the fuck? Where? Who?! Robert Wadlow was the tallest person in the WORLD and he was "only" 8'11" Someone who has huge muscle (let's say body builder) They spend their entire day in the gym all week. They are some seriously cut people. It's not a mutation it's the nature of muscle. When you work it, it tears, it then rebuilds itself bigger. Rinse repeat. That is a pretty basic description of how muscle builds but with you. I try to keep things as simple as I can. People aren't born muscular nimrod. They work for it. Sometimes people cheat with the use of steroids. What the fuck does someones innards have to do with how much muscle mass they have? Did you graduate high school (yet) or did you drop out in 6th grade?

Can you stop typing? Please?

Wait, before you do that(I know you won't) How old are you? Seriously..

I don't usually talk shit on the internet but you have got to be the dumbest person I have EVER came across in my entire life.
im not talking about normal training, im talking about body builders that use synthetic hormones.

and okay, 8 foot, whatever. you get what im saying youre not an idiot, that tall of a person is that tall becuase of either a chemical mutation, or an infection while inside the mother.

and mesomorphs are born with more muscle mass than average, from the start, and have great potentinal to have this trait.

if the trait ever exsisted in the genepool, not matter how far back, it has the potential to become. you can insert any trait youd like: _______

these things i know about. cannabis im learning about.
im not talking about normal training, im talking about body builders that use synthetic hormones.

and okay, 8 foot, whatever. you get what im saying youre not an idiot

Unfortunately, you are the idiot. Bodybuilders can't use banned drugs to gain an unfair advantage to build muscle. Do you know ANYTHING?
lmao..body builders cycle so heavy on their off seasons. body building and supplement companies are even less regulated then olympics real sports. they even try and take syntheitcs in regulated sports..but some resort to blood doping cause its harder to detect. yuck. youre the idiot if you think humans follow rules.

i thought i already established the corruptness of our species?
enough about these tangets though, lets stick to cannabis. i only got into it becuase someone brought up jesus.

regardless, chemical ferts mutate plants, kill soil life, and cause cancer and disease in run off water. this is a known thing, thats there are warnings to wash hands after use with water, and not to flush down drain even though theres no where else for it to go. if it doesnt go in the drain, it evaporates into the air and into your body. into the plant and into your body etc.
Hey bmeat, i feel like God wants me to ask you to stay true to Jesus bro. come join our thread here

im sorry man, anyone that roams earth is a mortal, becuase its disrespectful to defys gods laws. we adapt to the enviornment, not the other way around, so the only way that jesus would have power is if he was from an enviornment that made him have to bend spoons with his mind, which i doubt. he was born on this earth, with a belly button like you and i.

i will join your thread though. anything that contributes to positivity is good :)
I'm inclined to disagree, he posted his youtube account with his face all over it. Beginning to think he's really that stupid.
lmao..body builders cycle so heavy on their off seasons. youre the idiot if you think humans follow rules.

i thought i already established the corruptness of our species?

enough about these tangets though, lets stick to cannabis. i only got into it becuase someone brought up jesus.

regardless, chemical ferts mutate plants, kill soil life, and cause cancer and disease in run off water. this is a known thing, thats there are warnings to wash hands after use with water, and not to flush down drain even though theres no where else for it to go. if it doesnt go in the drain, it evaporates into the air and into your body. into the plant and into your body etc.
What is a "Tanget"?
Is that something like a "Tangent"?
OK, so if you're so against chemicals, do you eat store bought meat? Vegetables? Bread? Milk? Cheese?
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