How Much Money can i make off 1 plant ?


Well-Known Member
I think u need to read up on some good growing. Growing can be very meticulous and takes alot of research time energy and patience to to grow a couple plants. 400 grams a plant is very unrealistic for indoor growing. It probably could be achieved if you only have one harvest a year. Its more typical to have .5 gram per watt in a flat garden and 1 gram per watt in a vertical garden. If you do the math and research you will see this take alot of work. Not saying your stupid and it cant be done but we dont discuss criminal activities on here. We are against prohibition and self medicate of growing.


Active Member
if you grow 400g a plant prices for weed are going to drop to 10 bucks a pound
400 g is 14 pounds the highest i would be willing to go for is 2 pounds per plant and that is with a good set up with some skills
you are a complete noob n o o b noob. newbie,completely noob.
recommendations read some books on how to grow weed (the cannabis grow bible)
ok not defending lightbulb just pointing out that 400g is about 14 oz which is a little less than a pound. just pointing out technical error


Active Member
If that dude really wanted to find out how much u can get ask your near by dealer 4 a estimate lol. I got a question though i seen ppl make 3000 watt hydro setups isnt that alot just for one person i assume there making a profit out of it isnt that wrong to?
There's no way one plant can give u close to a pound...It takes 5 plants to make a pound or close to it but then again it depends on how big ur buds are and the size of the plant


Well-Known Member
your plant wont have a 400g yield especially if you know nothing about marijuana

Not trying to split hairs but off one Blue Berry seed I have taken in almost three elbows in the last several months. But then of course that one seed produced one hell of a mother plant that will again be snipped tonight for another batch of clones.:weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
a plant can give you a pound .....if u really want....even 2 and pots like a multi BILLION dollar industry y wudnt it be about the money ....:-? ps im not defending that poison guy cuz that guy sounds pretty wack! lol poison wtf sounds like sum thing the dea wud say....:joint:


Well-Known Member
good luck 400g that would make more profit then crack and meth combined
lol you've obviously never sold rock or meth, Lightbulb is a douche fo sho, but round here 400g is worth about the same as 2 ounces of rock.

Oh and Mrs. Lightbulb if you don't even know what it costs, you should probably reconsider your master plan. Your 20 seeds is probably going to yield you about ...whatever your medium a garbage your mouth.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Typical First Grow:
Grow room$200
Light Bill $80

My own personal Sensi smoke=Priceless

lol if I tried to sell my first Oz I would be losing money.


Well-Known Member
Typical First Grow:
Grow room$200
Light Bill $80

My own personal Sensi smoke=Priceless

lol if I tried to sell my first Oz I would be losing money.
Ok VISA, uh, I mean Joe. Chuckle, chuckle. Snicker ,snicker. But you did put it well. I stumbled upon this post and as I was reading through it I wondered? How does such a ignorant thread as this get so many posts? Bet ole lightbulb (dim as he may be) would have gone away much sooner if any of us with any common sense would not have replied. Just a thought. Happy Trails All !!!!


Well-Known Member
he is asking for help u call your self riu vets narrsty people
He started cussin lol
anyway, i'm sorry, i know everyone wants this thread dead but i gotta say, this is the first time i've read it and this thread is like the most comic piece of work i have ever seen lmfao. If i was to quote every single funny thing on this thread, i'd get banned for spam lmfao
genius comedy
lol, dude you and me think the same EXACT WAY!!! people who smoke weed are losers. and i make money off those losers :)
i love weed thats why i dont smoke it and kill it
i need some help can any 1 tell me why my leaves stems at the top of my plant going slighty brown wat do i have to do it looks all healthey the leaves look good too i have the blue bulb 5 inches away from the plant