how much per eighth?


Well-Known Member
ok well im pretty new to this whole cooking with cannabis thing, but nevertheless, i love it and i have an incredible urge to do it! the only thing is that i dont buy weed very often(only about an eighth every 3 weeks). and i was wondering how many times i can get moderately high with an eighth. and what would be the best way to get the most high with the smallest amount of weed. and what would be the best thing to make.


Well-Known Member
bump... and i always hear people using like an ounce and crazy shit like that to make butter, is an eighth even enough to make butter??


Well-Known Member
you can do an eighth with about half a stick of butter (not worth it man).

smoke it or vape it.


Well-Known Member
the stove method of green dragon is supposed to use a pretty small amount of weed but its kinda dangerous and I'm not sure how well it works either but i don't think it would be worth making any kind of baked good with an 1/8 your better off smoking it


Active Member
I did a Qtr with a stick of butter for brownies and they were good but that much in a vaporizer would be so much better.........and that would get me feeling great for at least a week or maybe two instead of just a couple nights


Well-Known Member
well when i have weed, i smoke every day, and an eighth lasts me about 3 weeks of smoking every day, i just do 32 oz waterfalls since i dont have a vaporizer or a bong or anything... so since im not going to be cooking for now, any1 know of what the best way to smoke would be without buying a bong? like any1 have any good ideas on what to make to use less weed? i mean doing waterfalls definitely gets me BAKED, but just wondering if there is anything better?


Well-Known Member
blunts and joints are in my opinion, the most wasteful and stupid way to smoke ever. with the weed that it takes to roll a joint, i can get blazed out of my mind at least 6 times...


Well-Known Member
lol??? whats the difference between the amount you pack in a bowl and the amount you roll in a joint??? You can use the same for both and get just as high off either... You don't have to roll multiple gram joints bro.. I smoke every day and I can roll .3-.4 into a pinner and still get as high off what I would pack in my bowl.. about .3


Well-Known Member
blunts and joints are in my opinion, the most wasteful and stupid way to smoke ever. with the weed that it takes to roll a joint, i can get blazed out of my mind at least 6 times...

i wouldnt say its a stupid thing, more of a preference


Well-Known Member
yea man take a few bong rips or smoke a little bowl, thats prolly the best way to conserve ur shit, cooking with cannabis is a wonderful thing but not for someone looking to conserve buds and maximize high. Buy an oz of some mid grade for cheap and make some brownies or some other deser if ur trying to celebrate

Green Gaia

Active Member
well when i have weed, i smoke every day, and an eighth lasts me about 3 weeks of smoking every day, i just do 32 oz waterfalls since i dont have a vaporizer or a bong or anything... so since im not going to be cooking for now, any1 know of what the best way to smoke would be without buying a bong? like any1 have any good ideas on what to make to use less weed? i mean doing waterfalls definitely gets me BAKED, but just wondering if there is anything better?
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what is a waterfall?


Well-Known Member
i am growing a field of plants lol, but they wont be ready til october... and btw, i dont get nearly as high from smoking a whole joint as i do from 1 waterfall, which uses like .1 of a gram...

To0 Much Dr0

Well-Known Member
ya joints and blunts are better but you dont get as high cause the weed is constantly burning but bongs and bowls burn more i think but they do save weed but if you really wanna save weed make a vaperizer
all you need is a coke bottle cap a CLEAR light bulb and a straw you cut the tip off of the light bulb but leave the threads for the cap drill 1 small hole and one holw for the dtraw to fit in and you have a vaporizer


Active Member
i love blunts straight to the dome gets you high as shit but it does use a lot of weed, waterfalls are great though for conserving weed, also it seems like not a lot of weed gets you high so you can get a chillum or sometimes called a bat or dugout which conserver weed good

also if you don't get high from joints and blunts that means you suck at rolling them or who ever did roll sucks sloppy balls