How much Should I charge for Weed?

In MA we have legal, and it's still 10 a gram black market.
Well, it's legal to posses and even grow, but nobody can legally sell to any rec user yet.

Not even clones or seeds.

So if you are a rec consumer, the only way you can get it without growing it is to go on the black market (or find someone who will gift you some).

Kind of a catch 22 at the moment.
Well, in Georgia, most of the stuff people get is stomped on Mexican garbage more full of stems and fan leafs than anything else, and they're still paying 250 an ounce for that.

They get a hold of decent stuff and man they loose their minds over it.

But get caught selling here, and you're done. Permanently. Punishments here are, quite literally, draconian in nature.
I remember those price days lol. Quaps were going 900-1100 in Maine. Now a QP here is about 500$ lol 18-2200 LB.
damn, when you consider that maine is hell-and-gone, those prices were lower than i'd thought.
yrs ago I used to umm... well lets just say montana, and the market THERE is insane..
4200-4500 for lbs of grade A, but it had to be perfect.
damn, when you consider that maine is hell-and-gone, those prices were lower than i'd thought.
yrs ago I used to umm... well lets just say montana, and the market THERE is insane..
4200-4500 for lbs of grade A, but it had to be perfect.

Oh my fuck man.. I feel sorry for those unfortunate souls... The highest i have ever seen up here for a LB was 3600.
Now though, Growers are everywhere, More so here than people think. Cannabis is all too common now. Dabs have taken over hard too. Shit most cops don't give a fuck anymore either... Last time a cannabis bust was mentioned must of been 2 years maybe lol.
Everything bad up here now is either pills or heroin. Portland/sanford/lewiston have needles through the streets. People are ODing driving down the fucking road.
Oh my fuck man.. I feel sorry for those unfortunate souls... The highest i have ever seen up here for a LB was 3600.
Now though, Growers are everywhere, More so here than people think. Cannabis is all too common now. Dabs have taken over hard too. Shit most cops don't give a fuck anymore either... Last time a cannabis bust was mentioned must of been 2 years maybe lol.
Everything bad up here now is either pills or heroin. Portland/sanford/lewiston have needles through the streets. People are ODing driving down the fucking road.
Opiods are bad news. That shit is all over the US. It's the new epidemic. Used to be meth.
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call within 20 minutes and this gram is yours for 2$!

fuckin assholes..

you couldn't even try to rationalize your prices

qps all day for $200

landrace, sin city, bodhy, rare d, og raskal, dna

fuck.yall pigs

and i make more than.all of ya... go to college this time.. try for business and ag

do something with your self or stay small time
Me and my bird charge 10 English pounds for one gram
£800 / US$ 1020.74 per 4 ounces. Got a buddy that offers donations for that once or twice a week lol 'Twice on a good week' lmao

Rest are £30 a Henry VIII - All the way up... 6 friends lung that after making donations for it...

£30 a hen is £960 per Q/lb - US$1224.89 per Q/lb.
VALUE YOURSELF, YOUR ENERGY AND YOUR EFFORT PUT INTO EVERY GRAM OF BUD! If your in an illegal state you already took a risk producing the product. You need to pass that risk onto the buyers now in the form of $$$. Someone somewhere wants your bud because they can't get the quality you provide. People like knowing where there shit comes from. I've never sold a oz of anything I grew for under 200. I'd rather smoke it and enjoy its sentimental value. Why do prefer CO bud or .CA bud? Because they think they km know what their getting. You can offer this now. So set a price stick to it, even if you had d to sit on your product bro you'll make any amount you Decide. Weed sells itself e eventual.