how much should i get per plant under 1000 watts


Well-Known Member
Well shit then, I'd say 2oz per plant EASILY. And that's assuming you fuck up a little and stunt some growth (not saying anything bad about but hey, we all have to fuck up sometime).


Active Member
never count your chickens b4 they hatch... guessing a yeild having never grown under those conditions would be a waste of time... id spend more on learning the best method and best use of your space... your skipping the basics and jumping to the finish line, that usally spells disaster! but best of luck anyway i hope you get alot!! :)


Well-Known Member
the yield depends on the grower the strain and the enviorment, check this out me and 2 friends all started our grow at the same time, same clones and nutes, i know what im doing and 1 of my friends knows what there doing the other 1 i tried 2 teach but he didnt listen he asked a bunch of questions on riu and had a friend of his whos only grew once help him, hes not going 2 yield shit about 18-28 grams per plant dry me and my other friend about 4-6 oz per plant dry, its all up 2 the grower/strain


Active Member
Im doing 16 plants under a 1000 watt, they are about 16 inches in veg right now in a 4x2 space, moving to a 6x6 tent to flower. How much weight do you think Ill get per plant off of white widow if done correctly. Im using ready gro soiless mix, with botanicare nutes, switching into 5 gal grow bags for flower. What do u think ?


Active Member
Im a intermediate grower....focused on the basics, and learning some advanced you think I cud get 2 oz per plant? They have been vegging for 5 weeks there anywhere from 12 to 18 inches....