How much should this yield?


I have a young grape ape plant thats been growing for maybe 2 months now in a pot outside on my porch. It's about 24 inches now. I did plant this incredibly late in the season since it wasn't given to me until then. Does anyone have any idea how much I should get for this or is it to early to tell? Thank you and I appriciate any comments or advice on what to do in the future.

In the picture I brought it inside to get better lighting. It grows outside.



Well-Known Member
a whole zip? i'd say a zip at most. you got some more recent pictures? she looks like a really happy palm tree 8-)


Well-Known Member
damn.. I really can't tell until I see some buds on it and know how long it was flowering for. But, you might get 2 ounces depending on what happens! that baby might EXPLODE when it gets into deep flower ;-)


Should I keep it outside in the sun until it's ready to harvest or move it indoors? Also how much longer do you think until it starts to flower?


how many hours of sun light do u get ? if over 8 i say a zip or more
It starts getting sunlight around 7 AM, 20 minutes give or take. And stops getting sunlight around 7:30 - 8 PM.
Do you think it will be fine outside in those conditions until it's ready for harvest?


Active Member
Half oz. at the very best. Convince yourself of this and be very pleased with it. Anything over 14g and you can do a little dance afterward.
Determining or predicting yield is pointless and defeating. You will most definately 99.9% of the time be wrong and disappointed.


Well-Known Member
Fuck it man, the plant will reward u with a half O of bud for bringing it water and food, cant beat that. Thats as stress free as it gets, good luck..


WAIT A SEC..., why is it so early in flower (guessing by looks)? U had it outside for 2 months? No way, it would be like 4-6 weeks in flower by now.. If that is four u will b lucky to see a half or a quo... If its week 6 I'd toss it cuz something is severely wrong.


New Member
Shit if it was free who cares? Lol. I would leave it outside since its been out there. No sense in stressin it or robbing ur yield by using artificial light. As for flower it depends on where ur at. If ur in the us it should be anyday now. In oregon harvest is only about 3 weeks away


New Member
If its been outside it should be well into flower by now. Just keep it outside since its hardened off already and let it do its thing. If it gets too cold later in flower bring it in and do ur best to mimmic the natural lighting schedule to reduce its stress. But if its been outside this whole time it should be sexed and moving into flower at the least by now.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry, dont want to discourage u, dont toss it, but are u sure there isnt a porch light coming on here and there? Cuz shes not flowering properly.


I have a porch light but I dont turn it on during the night, at the most just other car lights on it from the road. It's only been out on the porch for a month and a half. I planted it really late.