How much shrooms to consume?


Well-Known Member
I had an experience with shrooms a couple nights ago. Me and a buddy ate 4 wet shrooms with no result. I have seen several people do this. Now I also spoke with a friend that sais he usally pops 2 caps and hes trippin. How much dry weight should be consumed for a grown man.


Well-Known Member
I'd start off slow, maybe 2 grams dry at the most your first time, until u get a feel for it. You don't want to over do it and have a bad trip, trust me. After that if u just have a light trip try 2 1/2 or 3g. As for the wet shrooms, don't know anyone who has tried them wet


Well-Known Member
Depends what strain in texas cubes are the thang.... when i pick i dont mesuare with grams and stuff i use just go by the hundreds lol.....but for cubies i much done on four avrg size caps for a good easy going trip then when im feeling a lil more spirtal i go for 8 ok 10 and then he colors fly lol


Active Member
when shrooms are wet, about 9/10ths of their weight is water. At the same time the psilopsybin is as active as it's going to be so about 14 grams would be a great trip. on the other hand, depending on the conditions of the shrooms you'll want about an eigth for a good trip. personally I won't take more than a quarter at a time because that's quite a bit of active chemical for my liking and I mean seeing colors and distortions of space and time are fun and all, but laughing consistantly for an hour is a put off for me. I just wouldn't suggest it, but go for it given the option.

DJ Crack420

New Member
niice..ive only done shrooms like 3or 4 times...and all 3 times i got diff looking ones..first were these lil tiny ones that looked like worms..i took like a quarter eighth and i was tripping nuts..then i got these huge ones and a whole quarter there were only like 7 shrooms, so idk...i took 2 of those fuckers and watched live free or die hard in the movie theater and that was waaay to much for my suggestion would be about a half track to start out with, then if u think u can handle more, just pop a couple at atime...i had a friend who took a whole quarter once, and he thought he was jesus for like 2