How much soil do I really need?


So my question is how much soil is really needed? I am finishingoff my first grow, and I am using a soil grow with Advanced Hydroponics nutrients.
If I used this soil:
2 parts fox farms soi
5 parts perlite
5 parts coco coir

Would that kind of mix work if I was going to use my liquid nutrients too?


Well-Known Member
Personally i use just fox farm with extra perlite. Your mixture is a little odd, but if it works for you, great. As far as quantity its usually said use 1 gallon of soil for every foot of plant you cant to grow. I use 3.9 gallon pots, so i wouldnt exceed 4 feet of vertical plant growth.


Well-Known Member
Your using hydro nutes for soil? They will work but they are usually buffered at a lower pH. I'd get soil nutes, they will do your grow more justice.


ok, for my current grow I'm using fox farms soil and perlite in 3 gallon pots growing two ak-48 fem seeds from nirvana. I'm trying to decide between staying in soil or going soilless to grow two fem LSD seeds from Barneys farm. My current grow is using 105 watt fluorescent, but I'm adding either a 150 or 400 watt hps lamp for my next grow. So i guess my idea to kinda go "semi-soilless" is a bad one, what would be a good soilless mix for a beginner? Coir look like an interesting growing medium, but would it be difficult to transplant?


Well-Known Member
ok, for my current grow I'm using fox farms soil and perlite in 3 gallon pots growing two ak-48 fem seeds from nirvana. I'm trying to decide between staying in soil or going soilless to grow two fem LSD seeds from Barneys farm. My current grow is using 105 watt fluorescent, but I'm adding either a 150 or 400 watt hps lamp for my next grow. So i guess my idea to kinda go "semi-soilless" is a bad one, what would be a good soilless mix for a beginner? Coir look like an interesting growing medium, but would it be difficult to transplant?
I started out using:

60% Promix-BX
25% Perlite
15% Vermiculite
1 tsp Dolomite per gallon of soil(promix already has lime added, so we use less)

It really doesn't have much macronutrients in it, so be ready to start supplying it ferts around week two-three. I think you would do good to amend it with some compost, or other soil amendment. The Promix has myco fungi in it, and they'll thrive better when given compost(food source for them). I no longer bother with the Vermiculite now since compost pretty much does everything it does and more.