How much space for growing 15pd?


Active Member
I need professional advice how to grow 15 lb of great hydroponic pot
1. How many Sqft do I need?
2. How much space needed for clones ?
3. Aprox. how much does it cost to start growing 15lb at one time? (I mean everything)
4. What the cost of running such operation monthly?
5. How much electricity needed monthly?
6. How can I know how much light do i need? How many bulbs and witch ones?

Thank You :)


Well-Known Member
I need professional advice how to grow 15 lb of great hydroponic pot
1. How many Sqft do I need?
2. How much space needed for clones ?
3. Aprox. how much does it cost to start growing 15lb at one time? (I mean everything)
4. What the cost of running such operation monthly?
5. How much electricity needed monthly?
6. How can I know how much light do i need? How many bulbs and witch ones?

Thank You :)
I would personally suggest just doing a small grow a couple plants under an HPS, do that until you understand the plant and your setup and everything well enough to answer all of your above questions on your own.

Not trying to bring you down, it just seems like theres alot of this around here with new growers who have never grown a single plant dreaming up there pipedreams of growing hundreds of pounds and thinkin of how there going to spend all that money before they even have a seed in the ground or a nail in the wall. Its good to dream big just start out somewhere more realistic.

I'll give a shot at answering your questions though, if anything it will show you really what your dealing with.

1st off in an op this size you'd probably want to stagger your harvests to be more efficient and not having to take and root like 1000 clones at once, so it would be more like 4lb every 2 weeks, if this is what you meant originally and your looking to make 15lb every 2 weeks then just quadruple everything from here out.

You also have to take into account your experience factor and other variables, this is a plant not a computer, you can't just put Plant A under Light B and get Yield C, its much more involved than that. Ideally experienced growers usually aim for the 1g per watt figure, while a new grower could expect to yield half that or even less. So for your operation I'm going to assume your making about 1lb per 1000w HPS a little less than .5 gpw. Thats 15 lights total.

1. Keeping each light over a 5'x5' table thats 25sqft per. About 400 sqft. Your going to need to spread them out a bit for maneuvering around and stuff though so about a 30'x30' area, so like a small warehouse or like 3-4 seperate rooms.

2. This is kind of an odd question, it depends if your staggering or not but I'm assuming you are and I'd really just have an entire seperate 4'x4' area for them you'll probably need 100+ to fill 4 tables at a time.

3. With a setup this big it really would be hard to calculate because you have to factor in cooling systems, ventilation systems, co2, the table construction, and the lights reflectors and ballasts themselves, total I'm going to guess $20,000-$30,000.

4. Electricity alone will probably run you over $1,000 a month + supplies/nutes/bulb replacements probably another $100-200 a month.

5. This question seems the same as question 4 so I'll elaborate a bit, this is way too much electricity to be using without putting up redflags.

6. Answered earlier.

2 Final reason why this isn't a good idea.

Plants take tending too, especially that many. No matter how much you try to automate the process you still have to inspect trim and keep your entire setup clean. It seriously will be a fulltime job 40+ hours a week and you may even need a bit of help when it comes to harvest.

I wont go into too much detail about the legal consequences such a largescale grow could earn you, basically you could kill someone and be out in less time. By no means I'm not telling you to not do it because of this, just that you need to keep that in mind and be smart, don't cut a single corner, and remember that 9 times out of 10 no matter how loyal or close of a friend they will sell you out before going to jail themselves anyday.


Well-Known Member
lol you broke that down pretty realistically i have a 2k system over 2 4x4 trays and a veg room with 2 400 watters over 2 3x3 trays ..and i have been producin maybe no more than 8 ounces every month ....and i thinki can bring that number up to 16 ounces a month with some help from all the experience offered on this website

i would start small for sure ..........also simple method so you can learn how it grows and shows you what it needs

i have been growin for like 2 years and i still feel like i know less now then when i first started and was readin grow books

true life experience beats book learnin anyday of the week

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Why 15lbs? How much electricity are you prepared to run? How much are you prepared to spend on the set up? There are many questions to ask yourself when it comes to growing pounds like that indoors.


Active Member
M Blaze, I ready to invest good many in it and willing to spend as much as needed for set up. So one of my questions was - how much electricity in needed monthly for such operation (lights, fans, a/c and ctr.)?
And is true, that going hydro will bring 50% more yield and grow faster than soil ?

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
M Blaze, I ready to invest good many in it and willing to spend as much as needed for set up. So one of my questions was - how much electricity in needed monthly for such operation (lights, fans, a/c and ctr.)?
And is true, that going hydro will bring 50% more yield and grow faster than soil ?
It all depends on how you want to grow it. Do you want to grow a large number of small plants or a small number of large plants? That will help you to decide what kind of setup is best for you.

And no, hydro does not yield 50% more than soil.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, do yourself a favor and do as advised. Start small and gain some experience, and if you are still inclined to go farther you will at least have a good idea at that point what to do to get there. Right now I'm afraid your lack of knowledge would only get you in trouble eventually. You want see the pitfalls in front of you. Good luck however. You are in the right place to learn a few things though, and thats to your credit I suppose.


Active Member problem

15 5gal buckets
pondmaster air pump
hydroton in 10" net cups
Recirc the whole thing.
Start plants indoors under floros, then under a 1k
Grow em out till 2 feet or so.
Put em outside and let them veg till they stop veggin, and harvest october.

You could do it for under 2grand easily, if outdoors.
Indoors, well, previous posters got it covered.

If you want to go big or go home, I say go outside :)

-Good luck, Pirat


Active Member
M Blaze, I ready to invest good many in it and willing to spend as much as needed for set up. So one of my questions was - how much electricity in needed monthly for such operation (lights, fans, a/c and ctr.)?
And is true, that going hydro will bring 50% more yield and grow faster than soil ?
hydro does not yield any more than soil that is speculation its also been said that the final product of soil taste better then again thats speculation as well

M Blaze

Well-Known Member problem

15 5gal buckets
pondmaster air pump
hydroton in 10" net cups
Recirc the whole thing.
Start plants indoors under floros, then under a 1k
Grow em out till 2 feet or so.
Put em outside and let them veg till they stop veggin, and harvest october.

You could do it for under 2grand easily, if outdoors.
Indoors, well, previous posters got it covered.

If you want to go big or go home, I say go outside :)

-Good luck, Pirat
Indoors can do better than some outdoor grows! I grow indoor plants that yield more than a lot of outdoor plants so it is very possible to grow big yielding trees inside.