how much spawn/substrate


Well-Known Member
I just picked up a 105 quart storage bin that I plan on turning into a monotub

what would be a good ratio of spawn to substrate?
I plan on using rye berries in quart jars
vermiculite and coir, for the substrate

I was thinking 7 quarts of spawn, 3 quarts verm, 2 bricks of coir
does that sound about right..?

any feedback would be appreciated
you would do well to reduce your vermiculite and add some more nutrition.

the more spawn the better. What you are describing is more akin to casing than propper substrate. Much of the energy of your mixture will be derived from the spawn. The point of spawn is to innoculate something else and expand your mycelium. Rates can be as low as 10 percent spawn. A mixture higher than 30 is wasting your spawn in most cases.
thank you for the replies, I think I get it
or maybe im putting to many eggs in one basket

I just did a google search (which I should've done first)
and of course there was a bunch of people on shroomery using the 105 quart tubs
but all of them are using different ratios

most of them are using 8 or more quarts of spawn
2 bricks of coir
different amounts of gypsum
and or coffee grounds

should I be adding something like gypsum or coffee grounds for nutrition..?

thanks again canndo and JJ!!
nothing wrong with either or both. I do not use vermiculite in my substrates as if you case it is a waste and provides no nutrition.
nothing wrong with either or both. I do not use vermiculite in my substrates as if you case it is a waste and provides no nutrition.
ok I will reduce the verm and add gypsum

What are you doing for air exchange, if you don't mind me asking?
thanks for the reply
I plan on doing something like this and of course stuff with polyfil
from shroomery
Wayy too many holes. Look up a monotub.
ive most definitely have looked up a mono tub
from what I see they usualy have around 6 holes
I have 2 more holes, but it is also a hell of a lot bigger than most mono's
so I figured it would need a few extra
I could do 6 or less, or do small 1" holes

how many holes do think I should have?
I've said this before, but I do not like mono tubs. I know they work but I don't think they provide optimal conditions for mushrooms to grow. There is no real circulation going on in mono tubs, you may get some evaporation but not much fresh air exchange. Also, all of the humidity for a mono tub is pulled from the casing which dries it out quicker. I use geolite with water to keep my humidity high and prevent moisture being pulled from casing.

I prefer a fruiting pan, placed inside of a larger container, raised an inch or two off of the bottom using a rack. This way the fruiting tray is enveloped by air and air is circulating all around your tray. This also creates insulation from the edge of your bin and creates a more stable environment. This also allows any gas to simply roll off of the tray into the bottom of the container and out the drainage holes. You only need a few air drainage holes in the bottom of the container and a few at the top to get decent circulation. I also don't understand why people make holes and then stuff them with polyfil. I never stuff my holes with polyfil and I use smaller holes than pictured. I hope this helps and let me know if you have questions.

Yes, a mono tub gives you more growing area but I prefer healthy and happy shrooms over a little more growing room.
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I just got my pressure cooker in today!
slowly but surely im gathering everything I need
now all I need is some rye berries or something

its funny you recommend that
yesterday I went an bought the biggest aluminum cooking tray that fits into my chamber

I planned on packing perlite in all the empty space
which is exactly how I did my first FC (which sadly only reached 86% humidity)

so maybe I should look into the geoite and bubble wands for this big of a chamber
I just didn't want to have to plug anything in lol
I just got my pressure cooker in today!
slowly but surely im gathering everything I need
now all I need is some rye berries or something

its funny you recommend that
yesterday I went an bought the biggest aluminum cooking tray that fits into my chamber

I planned on packing perlite in all the empty space
which is exactly how I did my first FC (which sadly only reached 86% humidity)

so maybe I should look into the geoite and bubble wands for this big of a chamber
I just didn't want to have to plug anything in lol

Placing your tray on a rack will expose all of the rock that would be covered if you set tray directly on it. Having this extra exposed rock will increase your humidity even more. I wouldn't use anything else besides the wet geolite, but that's just me. Be careful when using bubble wands because they can bubble fine water particles onto your casing thus increasing your chances of contams.

I elevate my tray a few inches and I drill 2 drain holes on the sides of my bin, slightly above my geolite. This gives my co2 a place to drain from and I only use a few holes around the top of my bin to help with circulation, and light.
I would do that but the container I will be using for my fruiting chamber
is about 13" tall
Im worried about growing room

2-3" geolite
2" space between geolite and tray
3" substrate
id be left with about 5" for growth

if I were to go that route I feel like I may need to turn it into a massive dub tub for more room

what do you recommend other than bubble wands that work with geolite?