Why is it that Bernie's supporters get so emotional when people stick to facts about his plans? Then they start throwing around false accusations like you just did there.
Actually, Bernie hasn't published a plan for how to pay for his healthcare package and is even more vague about the other goodies he's running on:
Bernie Sanders, the clear front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, was asked over the weekend how much his various plans would cost if implemented. He didn't know.
I'm not going to cite the 60 trillion dollar figure that some so-called centrist group claims the total package will cost us. I'm not even opposed to them. What I am heading towards is these plans aren't really what people are worried about. You just mentioned the COST of medication a church member was dealing with. Cost of medical care, not availability is the main issue and Democrats have been chasing after Bernie as if availability were the main issue of the day. Also too, taxes. People do care if taxes are raised. If Democrats want to win in the fall, they need to spend more time on the concerns of the day and less on some bidding war where they up the ante each time promising more free stuff.
The main objective is beating Trump. Do you agree?