How much thc can coconut/lecithin hold?


Well-Known Member
In short, if you should only use a half oz flower for half cup coconut oil, how would using 15gs kief or concentrate work for 3 table spoons? Why not use more than 14gs flower?

14gs flower is plenty but I like the idea of consentrating it as sometimes, times call for it and simply cool to have/use. I could make/eat a 500mg cookie instead of 5 of them.

Is this long surpassing its physical capability to absorb thc? Cannot find any info for answers.

How much can coconut and lecithin hold with concentrates? What does that exactly mean by capacity to hold thc, is it just like it says simply put? What about if you ate it, how would that work, just not as effecient on first pass?

I want to make 15gs 3 tablespoons coconut but at some point I wonder what is better, the Badkat tutorial says minimum 5gs kief/wax per 2.5 tble spoon coconut which I just finally managed to make except with 3 table spoons.

Last time when I made it with 2gs and unknown table spoon but end result was a small puck of 1200mg and it was great, perhaps the strongest I tried to date before I try my latest batch I mentioned.

So I wonder how the heck 15gs wax in 3 table spoons coconut would eat like if I ate 1200mg worth of it or more, is it wasteful? Want to understand more about making potent edibles. The puck would be about half a cup 12,000mg or much less with 60% live resin but more lively.
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How figuring out your MG strength? I think your math might be off on that.

Really my estimates are assuming everything was decarbed and nothing wasted which technically ought to be listed as a bit less due to that but I was under impression everyone knew that and no need to mention my 100-120mg cookies are probably 80-90mg.

So live resin 60% = 600mg per g. High thc bho 85% = 12,000mg per half cup coco/lecithin. But Is it really? Or is there just rogue, ejected thc molecules in the content?

Sounds like a dumb question but I either searching wrong again or no one knows exactly where the line is unless I am not understanding something.
I use a magical butter machine to infuse coconut oil. I usually run 3 cups of flower to 3 cups of oil. Sometimes I add a bit more oil just because it all looks dry. I guess you could do a run then run it again with fresh flower but idk.

If you go to the magical butter machine website and click community, there is a dosage calculator.
I use a magical butter machine to infuse coconut oil. I usually run 3 cups of flower to 3 cups of oil. Sometimes I add a bit more oil just because it all looks dry. I guess you could do a run then run it again with fresh flower but idk.

If you go to the magical butter machine website and click community, there is a dosage calculator.

I saw the other thread close to this in topic where most said they fit about 14gs flower per half cup but when the coco is liquid form I could fit much more but wondered what they meant. “It can only hold so much thc/cannabinoids.”

Is the empty space in the liquid what they mean, that it is already saturated with thc? How about 15 gs kief/wax per 3 table spoons? Not sure. I feel like my last batch, had I done 10 more gs, it would be more wax than it is coco/lecithin. The lecithin is important for me too.
yeah the lecithin helps it absorb better. I usually warm the coconut oil on the stove until liquid then whisk in the lecithin before adding it to the machine. Dump in the flower, close it and push a button.
I have also been making cbd capsules for the wife. 3/4 cbd and 1/4 thc infused oils mixed then put inside capsules.
Quick question, how long can wax, coconut and lecithin last after preparation? This was made 7 weeks ago and smells fine, no ransid smells. How about coco butter made with flower? Same thing?


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I keep my infused coconut oil in an amber colored mason jars in the fridge. It doesn’t need to be in the fridge but that’s what I do.
I would say consume it on or before the shelf life of the product your infusing into. Coconut oil, butter, ghee etc etc they have an exp. date.

Infused butter would probably be kept longer if you freeze in small ice cube size trays or as full sticks. They make molds for this too.
I usually make 1/2c oil to 14-28g flower w/1 tbsp lecithin. When I do 28g I do it in 14g batches, so decarb all of it, grind up 14g, put in the oil and cook, then strain and repeat, but I do not strain after the second cooking process, that all goes in my brownies or cookies..

I suggest most people cut one brownie square into 8 to start (I use one of the pans that has the squares so you don't have to cut them). Some think I'm crazy and eat one brownie and tell me they are high for over 24 hours, (these are the smoke 5+ times a week ppl) so not heavy users but not light weights.

I recently started testing with concentrates and you can get very close to 14g potency using 3.5g good quality resin/rosin in the same 1/2c oil

That being said if you use concentrates the sky is the limit as it is extremely easy to add as much as you want since it basically liquefies and can be easily mixed with your oil when you decarb it but be careful, you may get yourself higher than you expect or anticipate.

expect the concentrates to be 3-4 times more potent by weight, using my example 3.5g concentrate was close to or equal to 14g flower
I usually make 1/2c oil to 14-28g flower w/1 tbsp lecithin. When I do 28g I do it in 14g batches, so decarb all of it, grind up 14g, put in the oil and cook, then strain and repeat, but I do not strain after the second cooking process, that all goes in my brownies or cookies..

I suggest most people cut one brownie square into 8 to start (I use one of the pans that has the squares so you don't have to cut them). Some think I'm crazy and eat one brownie and tell me they are high for over 24 hours, (these are the smoke 5+ times a week ppl) so not heavy users but not light weights.

I recently started testing with concentrates and you can get very close to 14g potency using 3.5g good quality resin/rosin in the same 1/2c oil

That being said if you use concentrates the sky is the limit as it is extremely easy to add as much as you want since it basically liquefies and can be easily mixed with your oil when you decarb it but be careful, you may get yourself higher than you expect or anticipate.

expect the concentrates to be 3-4 times more potent by weight, using my example 3.5g concentrate was close to or equal to 14g flower

So here is the thing. I am the same guy who made a thread “to those edibles do nothing to” which I try convincing everyone that I just simple do not feel edibles, went through it all. I was suggested to enhance my own oil with lecithin and it took off from there.

Dispensaries around me only took a couple years post legalization to catch up in quality and price and make me only buy from them but they rarely impressed me with their edibles. Bought a lot just for fun and was convinced I couldn’t feel it and appearently didn’t.

I am hashed out on my own edibles right now, I can go on and on about how the effects I feel from them are. I tried 2gs wax in one sitting and was stoned the next day. I have yet to try my latest hash butter of 5gs.

I think people are misunderstanding the thread though, or I am cashed out but I keep asking, how about 15gs wax/kief in 3 table spoons coco/lecithin, a glass tin of 3.5 or 5gs wax is about a table spoon. 4 or 5 of them would out portion 3 table spoons coco would it not?

It condenses as it melts so I guess not, and this is a known recipe that perhaps hit home for heavy users and users with bodies that withstand high thc edibles because even if it does out portion, its just so rich in liposomal encapulated thc and straight up resin that anyone gets stoned from it and is a must try. I never got more than stoned though to date. People say they tripped out from it.

I say half cup oil meaning there are so many table spoons that it about equals half cup, 8 tbsp. My 5g hash butter puck almost fills a half cup and surly would with 15gs wax. So I could make edibles or eat it as is. Since I tried 1200mg as is before but with less wax ratio, I think I am going to do that again and see how that goes and compare expiriences.
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But from what first few comments said, is the answer that if it physically fits, it fits meaning until it visually looks like it is more kief/wax than oil, then you are good to go? I forget that only 20% by oil volume is the lecithin so there will be more coco and resin than lecithin.

Maybe that is why the recipie calls for max 15gs wax/kief. Thier final product was pretty goopy and black where as sofar mine keeps coming out lighter until I finally made what was a minimum of 5gs which Badkat’s toturial called for minimally in 2.5 tbsp which could look darker than it already is since I did 3 tbsp, hence this thread, was confused.
there are 16 tbsp in a cup so yea, 8 is a half cup.

My question to you would be, If making actual edibles isn't getting the job done why not go straight to the source? Decarb your wax, cool and eat it.

oil is just a carrier and something to allow it to more evenly be distributed in the edible and lecithin just increases the bioavailability of cannabinoids.. you could even mix the lecithin and melted wax together to increase the bioavailability.. This removes the oil and food part of things and makes it easier to take higher doses honestly although you will have to test to find your dose.. Also bear in mind that ime people build a tolerance to edibles much faster than smoking, so as you do tests looking for the perfect dose, the more your body will need to get there

that being said as far as I understand it, if you use my method of strain and cook again with more flower, you do lose some of the original potency due to the heating process but I could be wrong.
also you may already know this or have seen this link or others similar but this may help explain why you feel little from edibles.. ediblocked is the dumbest name ever though so hopefully that doesn't stick

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there are 16 tbsp in a cup so yea, 8 is a half cup.

My question to you would be, If making actual edibles isn't getting the job done why not go straight to the source? Decarb your wax, cool and eat it.

oil is just a carrier and something to allow it to more evenly be distributed in the edible and lecithin just increases the bioavailability of cannabinoids.. you could even mix the lecithin and melted wax together to increase the bioavailability.. This removes the oil and food part of things and makes it easier to take higher doses honestly although you will have to test to find your dose.. Also bear in mind that ime people build a tolerance to edibles much faster than smoking, so as you do tests looking for the perfect dose, the more your body will need to get there

that being said as far as I understand it, if you use my method of strain and cook again with more flower, you do lose some of the original potency due to the heating process but I could be wrong.

I am shy or I would tag the person themself on why they use coco and capsules. I know I need the lecithin because I tried plenty store edibles without it and another barrier is lately the strongest they allow is 200mg packages meaning you eat more food to get a high dose which I need.

The lecithin does something to make me feel it more and longer, not quite sure, affraid to waste a batch of weed edibles wothout it to find out.

To be more clear, in short, I thought I could not feel edibles but I can, I just need max potency oil so I can have about 100-200mg a dose or one to two small sized cookies every few hrs then done at 6pm or else I keep waking up, too stoned to stay asleep.
I make edibles to make the oil more edible, gross without. So I like things like cookies that can contain many mg’s of medicine. Interesting thought though if I do want to eat it straight up.
I am shy or I would tag the person themself on why they use coco and capsules. I know I need the lecithin because I tried plenty store edibles without it and another barrier is lately the strongest they allow is 200mg packages meaning you eat more food to get a high dose which I need.

The lecithin does something to make me feel it more and longer, not quite sure, affraid to waste a batch of weed edibles wothout it to find out.

To be more clear, in short, I thought I could not feel edibles but I can, I just need max potency oil so I can have about 100-200mg a dose or one to two small sized cookies every few hrs then done at 6pm or else I keep waking up, too stoned to stay asleep.
@BrassNwood I believe is who you are referring to? We are all a community on here to help each other, don't sweat it
I make edibles to make the oil more edible, gross without. So I like things like cookies that can contain many mg’s of medicine. Interesting thought though if I do want to eat it straight up.
most medicine is unpleasent!

my suggestion of eating the wax straight (after decarb) or mixed with the lechitin can also be modified by adding some honey for palatability or w/e helps, it just gets you more of the active ingredients without wondering how much like a cookie or brownie etc
most medicine is unpleasent!

my suggestion of eating the wax straight (after decarb) or mixed with the lechitin can also be modified by adding some honey for palatability or w/e helps, it just gets you more of the active ingredients without wondering how much like a cookie or brownie etc

I did ask about weed oil amd how much it holds so I don’t think people are misunderstanding, I just wasn’t understanding. Realizing my thread makes no sense other than helping make sense of what I am doing. The coco helps dilute it so it can be quartered and perhaps again for halfing the dose, He said he took a few daily so perhaps it was just to dilute.

The stores just don’t make high potency edibles even in form of what we are talking about. Is there a reason these home made oils get me stoned immediately and ever present until it technically should kick in?

I was thinking some thc/cannabanoids and terps were absorbed sublingually and through tissue before it hits the small intestine where the main absorption occours.