How much thc can coconut/lecithin hold?

Just ate second bite an hr ago feel fine. I got buzzed too.

Thats one good thing about me naturally not being able to get high from edibles like smoking/drinking, sucks Im not able to get super high but I do feel it immediately upon eating it which is cool.

Lasts 1-2 hrs. That appears to be the high that Im capable of having considering dabbing/smoking lasts 15 - 30min for me. Talking about the majority of the high.
Was about to eat more but I feel silly. Its clearly rancid somehow, why torture myself. I never made butter that did this at any dose.

Just gonna turn it to topicals and try again but separate the trim from the bud trim and the flower/kief pressed pucks all separate.

Try making one with 2oz and one with one oz per cup oil. Try grinding to dust, try one with minimal plant material.

I ought to get to bottom of it that way. After all, I tossed some of this trim to suspect growth on it but saw none in the trim I used. Some of it was like 7 months old.

Solving this and providing free product that dont do that to you would be great. This stuff is not to be given away.
In a nutshell, anyone, why would cannabutter ache stomach like a burning sensation? @BrassNwood ? Its 95% trim which is my first time doing which is also first time this ever happened.

Half the trim was raw leaf with minimal oils. I grind to dust in coffee grinder so a lot of plant particles but that didnt bother my stomach before.

The usual suspect in stomach pain issues is in fact the actual plant material for some reason. Straining usually clears up the trouble but not always.
You're on the right path with experimenting with the various possible mixes.