how much time ?


Active Member
hey people i just planted my seedlings its been 2 many days do u think it will take to sprout?


Well-Known Member
hey people i just planted my seedlings its been 2 many days do u think it will take to sprout?

You make my head hurt.....

My psychic powers of determining your lights, grow medium, method of propogation do not seem to be working this morning...


Well-Known Member
well it's hard to say man....did you germinated the seeds before you puted them in the dirt( you'r growin in soil right) how much light depends from how many plants.


Well-Known Member
First he gave us no information, then he told us only about the lights, then he mentioned that he germinated them but did not state the medium or method of germination.

So, I said he was not making it easy to answer the question.

Was that more clear for you?

mr west

Well-Known Member
its like pulling teeth lol. the more infomation u give the easier it is for ppl to help you dude. So everything is important, Lights, medium, temp, water scedual, humidity, air circulation, nutriants tho u shouldnt be using nutes just yet. I normaly sprut my seeds in soil perlite mix with no germination and they take about 5 days to break the ground and so far i have had 100% success with seeds. Good luck with ur grow and hope u sort out some more lights b4 they do sprout. Check the grow FAQ at the top of the page to see what lightings good for you.


Active Member
sorry guys..well i germinated it by putting the seeds in a moist paper towel and inside a glass..and i put it in the dark for like 3 days..and then the roots started coming ou..At around 9 pm(GMT +5:45) May 12th i planted them in four different pots using fresh garden soil..


Well-Known Member
its like pulling teeth lol. the more infomation u give the easier it is for ppl to help you dude. So everything is important, Lights, medium, temp, water scedual, humidity, air circulation, nutriants tho u shouldnt be using nutes just yet. I normaly sprut my seeds in soil perlite mix with no germination and they take about 5 days to break the ground and so far i have had 100% success with seeds. Good luck with ur grow and hope u sort out some more lights b4 they do sprout. Check the grow FAQ at the top of the page to see what lightings good for you.
cheers mr west !!! :D


Well-Known Member
sorry guys..well i germinated it by putting the seeds in a moist paper towel and inside a glass..and i put it in the dark for like 3 days..and then the roots started coming ou..At around 9 pm(GMT +5:45) May 12th i planted them in four different pots using fresh garden soil..
you should buy good soil may contain parazites. check the stores for no pre-nuted soil , and ph-ed ofcourse