How much WATER do i need??


Well-Known Member
Was up...Im germing my seeds now so hopefully they will have popped by tomorrow morning...

I have 5 Papaya Seeds
and 1 G-13 haze fem germin
and 1 G-13 WW Fem Germin....

Hopefully will get 4 or 5 girls from this first go around....

Ive read that the first mistake new growers make is over watering and over feedings....
SO i was wondering how much water do i need to use when i first put them in the soil....


Well-Known Member
Nice strain choices. You can use a mister and just keep the top soil moist, not soaked. Otherwise just try to keep a small stream of water to not disturb them too much, add the water slowly. If your soil is presoaked you might not even have to water until after it sprouts. Also depends on the heat and humidity, keep your eyes on uhm. Your soil also plays a big role.

Usually err on the side of watering less, rather than more. Happy growing!

Best time to water is the morning, under low intensity light or predawn. Under artificial lights, if you're getting the foliage wet, you want the lights further away or off. Darkness and moisture lead to pests like mold growing.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
let the soil dry out some b4 you water the next time. ph your water anf after you mix your nutes up.


Well-Known Member
I always recommend to someone that asks, once a week if you are growing in soil. You can do a whole grow this way without problems although you will see differing opinions. If you do start seeing signs of underwatering you can do twice a week but usually isn't a problem if you have them in a decent size container.

That should give you an idea of how much to water, sure blows the theory of 3 times a day like your brain wants you to do.


Well-Known Member
Some good advice already here. I was going to say to use a spray bottle first couple of weeks and its almost impossible to overwater them. I water 3 times in every 2 week period about every 4th/5th day or so. Seedlings I water every other day but just with the spray bottle.

In a 7/8 litr pot I would water about 1litre once roots are well established and I find this gives just around the suggested 10% run off. In full flowering maybe 1.5 litres to produce that same runoff. In early veg maybe a round 200/300ml when in small pots but you need to judge by the weight of the pots, get a feel for that if you can.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Thnkx everyone for your replies...Im using Foxfarm Ocean Forest soil and 3 gal Grow bags bc of space restrictions i would like to use square pots but couldnt find any..... after i put them in the soil i'll prolly just add a little water around the seeds to get them started after that i guess i can water accordingly....also im using a 400wMH bulb


Well-Known Member
ok Ive put one seed in the soil with the light on and the top soil is really dry from the heat from the lamp...should i water it a little? Its FFOF soil and it felt moist out of the bag...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you don'tneed light to sprout a seed. back off your light youdo not want the soil to dry out. good luck


Well-Known Member
i know this may sound dumb but whats the best way to actually water your plant....or seed without hurting it

Just use straight water for the first month and then use half strength Hydro nutes after that and you shouldn't have nay problems.

Is that what you were asking or did you mean something more specific ?


Well-Known Member
Just use straight water for the first month and then use half strength Hydro nutes after that and you shouldn't have nay problems.

Is that what you were asking or did you mean something more specific ?

Well sort of i mean actually how do i use a water pail or should i use some type of piping or am i just over thinking this


Well-Known Member
Well sort of i mean actually how do i use a water pail or should i use some type of piping or am i just over thinking this
I think you are overthinking it, I usually stick to once a week in soil. I have a gallon milk jug, use straight water for a month, and then mix the nutes and water in the jug when I get ready to use it, unless I have some left over from the previous week, then I use it and mix fresh and water.

I don't know why you'd be interested in piping unless you are trying to automate or doing hydro.

If you have any other questions feel free to keep asking.