how much water should i give my flowering plants?(PIC)


Well-Known Member
day 3 of flowering stage should i give them water every day now when the soil is dry and how much water should i give each plant?


Well-Known Member
ah ur the guy with the sweet avatar.

when the soil is dry then water it just enough so that water drips out of the drainage holes at the bottom. not gashing out ofc. just dripping.

the way i test to see if the soil is moist is just stick my finger in the soil and see if its ok. normally when its moist u will get soil stuck to ur finger and u can feel how wet it is.


Well-Known Member
i water mine about 2 or 3 days. they seem to be doing good. im to cheap to buy all these moister meters and PH levels :p


Active Member
Your plant should be able to tell you. Mine is flowering outside in a pot
and i'm having to water 1 litre per day now otherwise it begins to wilt
quite badly:-|


Well-Known Member
im getting earth juice bloom today i believe ever since i put them into flowering 3 days ago only been watering them


Well-Known Member
im getting earth juice bloom today i believe ever since i put them into flowering 3 days ago only been watering them
are u from the uk? cant remember if it was u that i asked.

where u getting nutes from? im having a problem finding any. except for online. i wanna go into a store an buy em with cash


Well-Known Member
go to fox farm site search for a retailer near you usually fox farm is only sold in hydroponic stores ;)


Well-Known Member
just lift your pots when their light water them if their heavy then no water needed. lifting pots after awhile you can start getting the idea of how it works.


Active Member
are u from the uk? cant remember if it was u that i asked.

where u getting nutes from? im having a problem finding any. except for online. i wanna go into a store an buy em with cash
u get the stuf from edinburgh all u need [the place is called hydra hydroponics in liethbongsmilie