How much water shoulder little sprouts be getting?


Well-Known Member
hydro or soil? are you using nutrians? either way a general rule if hydro just top up the tray there in or watever holders the water and make sure your cubes are nice and moist if soil i would stick my finger a couple of inchs deep and if dry it needs watering but not to much that you flood them - use some common sence


Well-Known Member
what light you using? it might just be the pic but in the top pic the plants seem stretched


Active Member
what light you using? it might just be the pic but in the top pic the plants seem stretched
2- 25 watt Compact Floro Grow Light CF 6400K CFL = 200

And no they are not autoflowers. They're all either Bubba Kush, Big Bang, or Strawberry Cough. The two older plants are both 100% Afghans.


Well-Known Member
oh my mistake it looks small and bushy thats all. im using 2x 44watt cfl strip tubes to veg it looks like you need more cfls. i use nutrians as soon as they sprout with hydo starting with a root booster for the first week and then onto a mix. the tray your cubes are in top up oftern so they dont dry and like i said the soil check with your finger an inch or so deep but you soild grow looks nice and healthy. The hydro tray what you planting that into once it has established a good rooting system? i find a propergration unit is good for the about 3 weeks then once they start running out of space i transplant them into bigger cubes and into an nft system


Active Member
Alright I dunno half of what you're talking about but the soil seems to work well as you can see the from the older plant. I had several autoflowers that were doing VERY well in it but they died because I was not able to transplant them enough (on very very tight budget both moneywise and timewise).

I will transplant the cubes into the cups in probably two weeks.

So again... how much water dude? And should I really be using nutes this early? I heard you're supposed to wait till the cotyledons fall off. My nute mix is 1 teaspoon of fox farm grow big in a gallon of water.

The soil is 10-5-5 miracle gro "organic".


Active Member
Also I've got two sprouts that are the same age as the ones pictured above that still have the shell on them. Should I take it off?


Well-Known Member
sorry m8 just read that back myself i duno how i fucked that up to much smoke i think :) anyway ye the soil grow is doing well. I ment to say what you hydro system you transplanting the cubes into next? when mine are seedlings i us a similar cube try as your using now and just keep topping up to tray. I personaly use nutrians as soons as they sprout so they are taking up nuts as soon as they have a root this seems to work for me. Root boost for a week then add veg nuts untill flowering stage and change to flowering nuts then the last couple of weeks add some sort of bud booster ( i use bloombastic). hope this is clearer


Well-Known Member
ok i water mine daily but it depends on alot of factors like light and circulation if you have a dry hummid room you may even need to water them twice if your using a drip system its set to every hour i think but dont take my work for it cos i havnt used one. Thats all the advice i can give you. personally i top the water up once a day in the evening but check them mid day incase just dont let them dry!
prob be worth investing in some more cfls



Well-Known Member
If the plants are grown in a hydro set up or soil has yrs are the same rule's apply the grow medium wants to be moist not sodden dripping wet.Allow the seedling to dry out a little this will promote good roots but not so dry that it becomes crumbley,get the light has close to the top of the seedling has possible without causeing it to burn or it will just become too leggy.Same has if you are growing in a hydroponic sytem you must allow the plants if in rock wool to get a good root structure through the small cube then put in the next size up wait untill this cube has good roots comeing through the bottom before even thinking about turning the hydroponic stem on unless you are useing a aeroponic system with no media then the mist sould come on reg basis.But i would say that the seedlings at the size yrs are at will need prob one water a week perhaps a little top up round about day 5 but when you water let the excess water run off you def don't want a young seedling sat in stagnent water.........tyke.........