how much water to flush a plant


Well-Known Member
its looking like i got me a problem with over fert.I.m using MG and MG soil.I know stupid right but i'm just learnin(the hard way hehehe)so the new grow tips/leaves are curling up (not downwards) and some of the big fan leaves are starting to get brown tipsso I'm gonna flush. My question is how much PH'ed water to use and how often and for for how long.anyways this sight rocks and thanks for all your help:wall:


New Member
ive always heard use 5-6 times the pot size of water.. like if you have 5 gallon pots flush wirh 25-30 gallons of water. seems like alot i know.. i'd just run em under the bathtub faucet for a while bro.let the water settle and drain and run some more etc.. some ppl say do it till the runoff water is clear but ill be damned if you will ever get clear water if your running water through soil.. its always gonna be brownish regardless of how long u flush imho. but ive only flushed once and I got tired after about 20 minutes on 1 plant and the runoff was still brownish. I really doubt the runoff will ever be clear.. maybe if you run so much water through them that all thats left in the pot is perlite and bark lol.

good luck


Well-Known Member
3x the volume is the correct answer. 30 gallons is a shit ton and adds up if you use 5 gallon bottle like I do.

Get a ppm tester pen and test the runoff. That is the best way to see for sure, you will see the number go down and down with the more h2o used.


Well-Known Member
I know that as soon as I hit the "post" key the daggers will be flying so I'm prepared to take evasive action already.

Why are you using MG soil and adding nutes to that? I feel that's your first mistake.

Flushing an MG soil will release more of the "time release" nutes, which could make the problem worse.


INCOMING! Take cover!


New Member
yea I agree 3x is good.. But im serious I asked the same question and most ppl said 5-6 x.. some did say 3x but most said 5-6 x...But yea thats overkill imho and I totally agree w/ 3x. thats the reason I said just run em under the faucet for a while.


Well-Known Member
mybe the mg soil is why peeps where saying 5-6x I know over water will make the soil hot with mg soil. I used it in a few grows it works fine also added nutes but only up to !/2 mix. flushed before flower with 3-1 water andagain before harvest.use mg liquid for veg nutes and expert big bloom for flower.


Well-Known Member
heres what i'm gonna do flush for the 20 min or so then when thats done I'm gonna throw a couple more pails of PH'ed water through it just to get it back on track as for transplanting she will just bring all the hot soil with her so I dont think that will help but I do promise to neaver use MG soil again I guess the most expincive doesent mean its the best LOL thank guys


Well-Known Member
I had a way better poast the first time but when I tried to post it it told me to refresh and log back in so this time I made it a little shorter but really, thanks for your help guys just a nother nubie tryin to brighten up his day!

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I just gave mine twice-3 times what they usually have - once you've had half of it come out the bottom its probably ok to let the plant use the rest up...

If you've given too much fertiliser - water once or twice with plain water before adding less nutes than before