how much water


Well-Known Member
can i use how much water i want in my veg stage as long as i water it once at 3 days?Also is pretty hot outside
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No hard and fast rules because lots of variables (in pot or in ground? any rain? size of plant? water retention of soil? mulch? how much sun? how hot? wind?)

Take what I say with a grain of salt because this is my first year, but I'm doing a deep watering weekly and the plants seem very happy with that. Mine are in the ground with soil that retains moisture well and are well-mulched. Plus they get shade after 3pm. If it gets brutally hot for days on end later this summer I'll probably do more. And as the plants get bigger I'll probably door more also.

The top inch or so of soil should start to dry out before it gets more water. Ideally soil in root zone is slightly moist but not saturated most of the time.

My theory is that less frequent but deeper waterings makes for a hardier more resilient plant and deeper roots. Of course that only applies if you're in the ground rather than pots. That's backed up by research for turf grass, etc. Assume it works the same with cannabis.
That depends how much water the ground holds and also how much sodium is in the water. Mulch is much less work. I grow veggies in sand, and when its dry I have to soak large amounts of water in every night. They grow fast like that. The problem with sodium is that it plugs up the plants respiration and they stress in the heat. Then it seems like you can’t water enough.