yeah that helped a lot. That was the path I was headed on. Currently my best plant is a Super Lemon HAze, 2nd week in veg. Short stocky, bushy plant. When I did water change at start of week 2, I went 3/4 strength Humbotdt nutes and the ppm was at 1000. The next day the ppm jumped up to 1300 with me not touching a thing and the tips on the plants turned white white white... Just the tips though of the top new growth. So I added some distilled and brought it down to 990ppm. Over the next few days I would add a little distilled water and within a few days the ppm level is down to 500ppm. Thats low to me, but I would like to get those white tips to disappear. Im growing hydro in the largest red folgers coffee plastic container. Due to the long size of my root mass, I only keep 3" of water in the jugs so my roots done drown. Only about 1 quart of water total. Im sure withing 3 water top offs, I have replaced the initial feeding of 1000ppm. Do you recommend anything for me since my rez is only 1 quart or litre of maybe top off with 1/4 strength nutes, or at least start using tap water for trace elements right? the distilled has like a 30 ppm and my tap water comes out at about 300 ppm. Thanks a lot. Let me know.