How much water?

Hi, i am a semi-experienced outdoor grower, in a state with medical laws. I have a couple of seasons under my belt. But it's time to turn up the notch this year so I'm rethinking a few things. One of the most important is water. I have always watered with a hose. I'm considering measuring my water this year. my question is: how much water do you guys with bigger containers/holes give each plant? Im thinking gallons you would water each hole with 1 cubic yard of soil and how often (obviously soil type affects frequency)? also considering a couple 3 cu yd holes...any input much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
do them all 3 cubic yard holes absolutely drnce then when you water about 5 gallons a hole and just water when you plants seem to need them (about the first inch is dry its needed the)canibus needs alot of water so suplying it is a good thing the weather changes so meshering is pointles just do it ass it is needed
the bigger hole will yield more if it has enouf water


I give 3 gallons in a 3x3x1 hole. Sooo for a 1 cubic yard hole I would say 7-10 gallons.

It depends on the size of the plant really.


Active Member
Water straight from the hose has many chemicals in it that may affect the quality of your grow. If you can, get a couple of five gallon buckets and fill them a day or two before watering to let some of them dissipate.


Well-Known Member
I water from my hose but I check the hole with a moisture meter prior to watering. I havent went wrong with this cheap investment. Also if you live in a good water district and not Socal your water should be fine. dirrtyd
i know plenty about chemicals in hoses and water. I have some background with industrial chemicals. My water is from a very small municipality (So far from SoCal...give thanks). Im just wondering how many people even know how much water they give their outdoor and if they do, how much/ for what size hole? My garden will probably focus on larger plants this year. like 1- 3yd of soil per hole.