HOW MUCH WEED DO YOU SMOKE???.....I think i might be a stoner

desert fox

Well-Known Member
An oz last me about 2 weeks. 60 or 70 bucks for a oz. Its shitty weed so I really don't like smoking it all that much. Higher grade usually is usually about a 1/8 or a 1/4 a week.


Active Member
I smoke typically whenever I'm home. I still don't consider myself a stoner until I run out of enough money to pay the power bill.


Well-Known Member
i make a quarter last about a week, i pay anywhere from 20 to 50 a quarter. but most of it gets smoked with my friends


Active Member
How much weed do you go through on avererage? Give how much you smoke, in what period of time ex. day,month,week.....And also post what the retail, "street", value of what you smoke is around your area! I smoke some decent buds with my fiance and stay high from morning till night EVERYDAY. Prob smoke a good 5-6 bowls a day. I try to get a half oz, and make it last a week, but that ussually only lasts 5 maybe 6 days most. i pay 150$ for a half oz of no-name generic nuggets. Good ass headies are 2-220 for a half here. POST YOUR STATS GUYS AND GALS!!!:joint:

i smoke between a dub a day and a half every 2( depending of quality of the bag-
fire is 35/70s......regular nugs are 20/40s.......mids are 50 a half.......and shwag is same(but dont buy that)


Well-Known Member
its so hard making those dank-ass cured buds last long. i find i smoke less if i weigh an 1/8 out and ration that out to myself


Active Member
Last summer I bought an ounce every other week, and a quarter ounce every 3 days. Only a couple times did I still have weed when I bought more, but it almost always followed that schedule. It was when I got paid, and when I got my tips.

Ounces were around $130-150, and quarters were about $50

I had enough money for the basics after the money was spent on weed.


hey peeps This is something I often wonder about. How different peoples thc intake is. I smoke 2-3 gs a day when I have my own dank but when I run out for a week or two here and there I could get some ditch or compressed smoke for cheap but it isn't worth anything to me I would rather smoke leaf trim off my buds it taste better and is free! peace


Well-Known Member
i think you get used to the same high over and over. after i smoke a half oz of some good weed if i cant find more ill buy a bag of shwag. ill get an awesome high the first bowl i smoke, but then it decreases more and more until i switch to a different weed.


Well-Known Member
Between me and my girl we smoke a zone a week. Pay 130-150 for good mids. Still on my first grow so in about a month and a half I won't have to buy anymore.


Well-Known Member
aloha, Hawaii checking in. I smoke from sun-up till Aunty goes down,LOL. I was picking up 1/4 for 120. and that last almost 2 weeks if its good shit. but since I harvested 2 oz.s 3 weeks ago, with turning friends on and all, there is about 1/4 oz. left.I have 4 plants that I will start to harvest in 2 weeks, one a week, and hoping to get atleast 1/2lb. I do a tie-down so they are short but fat babies. aloha, aunty


Well-Known Member
well, i grow for myself and the mrs, so we're in hog heaven for most of the next grow, then buying a bit untill next harvest..
as for how much that is, kinda depends - some days i'll smoke a couple of fatties before work, somedays i'll just finish a little pressie in the ashtray from last night. Simply we do 1/2 oz to an oz a week, each, of pretty nice homegrown, white widow and morning glory on my 2 harvests so far. i could knock it out for £170-£210 an oz (unbroken) if i was so minded, but i aint :P
while out of stock and waiting for harvest, i score off mates in "the city" who grow and sell great gear for a lot less than i would (i'm a bit more "country" tho..).. uk cheese at 70/75 a half, g13 65 the half, and share maybe an oz a week max if we're buying.


Well-Known Member
Does everybody here make their own hash? theres none of that on the market here usually unless a friend made sum. Boy how i would love to buy an oz of pure gold hash!! anybody have prices on hash in their area?