How much will it smell


Active Member
I have to cure 10 plants and was wanting to do it in a out building. Will the smell of hanging bud leave the building to alert a neighbor or someone walking down the street? I have a carbon scrubber in the grow rooms and it works well.

Or in my house...will it stink up the whole place? Its gonna be 10 plants drying



Well-Known Member
They will smell alot and be careful because in most states cops can search an out building with no warrant.


Active Member
i have 6 hanging in my sun porch and you have to go through 2 doors to get out to the porch from the house and the whole house smells like a pot factory( says my wife)...


Active Member
Great....I gues I will dry in the grow room. Does anyone else do this successfully? Shit I still have a humidity problem in there thats not resolved.



Well-Known Member
Im planning on drying in my grow area as well. Just going to keep my filter running and use some ona in various places. Humidity will be around 50% but oh well.


Active Member
be careful of the high humidity,you can end up with moldy stinky bud,it happend to a friend of mine,do you have an attic in you house if you do thats a great place to dry your buds,depending on the shouldnt take to long before your ready to jar it up for the final cure.once its in jars you will only smell it when you open them,also just something to consider,you will get amune to the smell of weed growing in your house over time so even though you dont think you can smell it others will.I use a carbon filter thats 2 times as big as it needs to be and when the plants are in there last few weeks you can still smell them very faintly but the smell is there,I have been useing dryer sheets to mask the odor and it works great you cant smell them at all now.


Active Member
I dry in my grow room, I got a closet in there the wide type with no door i hung a curtain leaving 6 inches open at the top for air flow and put a fan in there. Takes about 4-6 days to dry but no smell. Had a buddy dry some plants in his bedroom closet and holly molley, I've never smelt such a potent smell(whole house soon as you opened the door). My humidity hangs around 45-52 and have no problem with mold but I check daily and I open the curtain to the closet at lights out for better air flow.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Hey Lads
I dry in my grow area. Have a little stealth cabinet and when Im starting my new babies I put string hung inside a cardboard box. Hang my drying buds on that and close the box except for a tiny bit. Then in the grow box. Circulating fan doesn't blow directly on them and the lights keep the temps up and humidity down. Carbon scrubber sorts the smell cause drying plants stink. Tried drying hanging in a room but came back to my apartment block and could smell them in the corridor.
Try make up some sort of rack and hang them in your grow area