How much would you pay for a quarter?!?


Active Member
In canada we benifit from cheaper weed because it is less of a legal issue to sell it, buy it. i remember talking to two guys one from texas other from new jersery, both said very illegal to even carry weed on you and narks are everywhere. Friend from texas said he on his 3rd strike said a bong/weed/pipe could land him life in prison.

Supply and demand my friends


Active Member
street bud in SF cali is 80 per 1/4

club bud in SF cali is 110-160 per 1/4

....the above are exclusively the top-shelf selections, but nonetheless makes you wanna grow yer own eh


Well-Known Member
LOL $120 is a little much unless theres a drought then you will see prices hike that high but a quarter of some primo usually runs around $90-$100
lets all grow primo then. it will last us longer and we will be frucked up every day.
in short, all we want is primo.
fuck the rest of the morons who have to buy street shit.