how much would you sell you a friend for??


Well-Known Member
haha what the fuck? why would you wanna and if yo u did why tel people about it? hopefully this is just a stoners question but if your going to and expecting to et caught your an idiot lol but it would definatly take a shit load more than a mil to shoot my mom man, maybe eternal life or magic powers but not cash lol


Active Member
Since no one will give a straight answer...I'll be the first...To start off, I would never betray a friend. Thats just dirty. But hypothetically speaking, if I WERE to rip off someone I know and chill with, it would have to be for 25% or less of their entire crop/stash/whatever, and my cut would have to be at least $250,000. So like if they had a million bucks, I'd only take $250,000 and leave him $750,000 of his money. But yeah, I'd have to get enough to make a few smart investments, and comfortably live off a modest income from the dividends.

MAKE IT WORTH IT if YOUR WERE GONNA DO THAT...BUT You just could end up dead with the wrong MF-er like that and see what happens


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
the only time i would sell out a friend.. IS,,, if and when he ever gets bit in the ass by a rattle snake and wants me to suck the venom out.... id be like sorry bro see you on the other side...LOL


Active Member
I had a friend like that. tried to rip anyone off that he could. never worked a fucking day in his life. he never made any money out of stealing. (not anymore than the average car stereo theif) I was his best friend a long time ago. I always hoped he would just died cause he was a fucking burden on everyone especially his parents. He ended up going to prison for 3 years. he got out. now hes 33 and not a dime to his name and no one will ever give a shit about him. I would put a bullet in this guys head. worthless sack of organic matter.