How mutch leafs to spare?

Hi,i have 16 plants(jack 47) in a 4x4 tent in 6.5 liter pots and its starting to be alittle bushy inside,3.week of flower,10 days veg from clone..
How much vegetation can i remove without affecting the growt and health too mutch??



Well-Known Member
I am not a fan of taking any off at all but will say that I do trim any fan leaf that shows the slightest issue once I am close to flower. Any yellow anything that looks as if it is going south.

Best of luck and trim by the leaf not the stalk let the stem dry up die and fall off on its own do not pull it off or cut it close to the stalk.


Well-Known Member
You will yield better by deciding now to cull the herd. Even with the short veg period there is no way
to grow out 16 full-size plants. That's only one square foot per plant, eh? You'll need to probably cut
that number in half, if not more. I'm guessing 4-6 plants is about your max for the size you have. Pick
out the plants that look healthiest and have the most side-branching.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
I also dont like removing any fan leaves, but if you must dont remove the fan leaves from the top to allow for light pennatration. insteed remove the lower leaves and nodes to help with air flow and also so more energy will go into the tops..

pics would make it easier for us to give accurate advise..
You will yield better by deciding now to cull the herd. Even with the short veg period there is no way
to grow out 16 full-size plants. That's only one square foot per plant, eh? You'll need to probably cut
that number in half, if not more. I'm guessing 4-6 plants is about your max for the size you have. Pick
out the plants that look healthiest and have the most side-branching.

Good luck, BigSteve.
one plant pr square foot is absolutly normal when growing in a sea of green style,4-6 plants in 6.5 liter container will be a waist..thats about 1.5 gallon pots...
im just wondering how much foliage to take away...


New Member
dont trim it unless it's dying or blocking a lot of light to buds. even then, do so sparsely. your leaves are like solar panels powering your plant's growth. lower growth on bigger plants is ok to trim cause it wont grow much anyway and will put more energy to the top. i trim at least the bottom 6-12 inches of my plants sometimes more depending on the height.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
leaves are the factories of the plant. leave alone as long as possible (no pun intended). lol