How my flower looks?


Well-Known Member
My first grow.
What do you guys think? Are those are buds or not yet.
I'm worried about Ph level between 7 and 8. Is that ok or too high?
Is it something wrong?
Auto flowering feminized.


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Well-Known Member
Yes they are starting to flower., Ph is not ok u can cause a lockout of nutrients and start getting a bunch of deficiency's. Run your ph at 6.3- 6.8.
image.jpg detailed-Truog-pH-chart.jpg


dont do anything too drastic to adjust that ph. just make sure when you water you are phing your water properly. i recently got a high quality ph pen. before i used the GH dropper system and honestly it was way off compared to the pen. i water at 6.5 and grow in FFOF with perlite and dolomite lyme