How my girls doin?

I thought i would post a few pixs of my girls to see if they are up to par. The two bigger ones are almost a month and the little one is almost 2weeks This is my first grow and im only using cfl's and a t5. Personally i think there doing pretty good:lol: I also topped the bubblegum and seems to be reacting well to it. I plan on adding some more cfls when i get some extra

The Bushy one is bubblegum and the legnthy one is Strawberry cough.



Well-Known Member
they're looking pretty nice transplant them to bigger pot but seems like you don't have enough space.
Bigger pots? Those are 5gal pots, I dont plan on transplanting again. I would transplant the little one if i had some more space but that 32oz cup is gonna have to do for a

And thanks, the strawberry had a lamp fall on top of it for 6hrs and it bounced right back :)


i would start with only the smallest leaves because u want as many leaves as possible to help make the plant grow big in this stage of life, if you cut too much it could stunt its growth, so be carful how much and where you cut.


Well-Known Member
ya thatd be fine it would appear. ur girls are lookin good and chopping some of the lower,older,less used fans will provide mor light to ur lower bud sites.
Right on guys,
ill start at the very bottom and make sure not to cut too much. There are a couple small leaves, all the way at the bottom that are touching soil so ill start with those.
I was wondering if it would be the right time to trim off the lower fan leaves?

You could in theory or you could also wait it out a little and see how they catch up. Then shape them before you flower, allowing a little time to recover before. So to say if its the "right time" or not, is more at your discretion. As they say, less is best!
I recently used a similar setup to Veg my ladies and was able to get them taller by putting a CFL's in the center to curve their lesser penetrative qualities.
If you are using the same setup to flower as well, I could suggest the a divider I had found which splits each reflectors socket into two ( sometimes using the extender and then Y adapter), allowing you to put two CFLs to each sockets. Given they are the 23w in ample sized Disc (10-12"), it fits perfect and doubles lumens. I even alternated the kelvin of bulb for full spectrum and transition. Just saying. You may already have utilized this. lol.

Definitely used to live in Denver. Miss it.



well if the leaves are yellowin and curlin and shit jus mound ur soil up around the stem and shit, cause then it will make the plant sturdier, but i have also heard, the bottom leaves when covered with soil act as ferts for the soil. i dont know if thats true but i mounded my dirt up over the leave before they were about to fall. remember dont pluck lol