how necessary is it to flush my soil?

Captain X

i always flush after using the toilet...since i dont shit on my plants i see no need to flush them. really see no need to take its food away from it the last 1-2 weeks of growing when its packing on its most myths that spread like wildfire...gotta love it. maybe after people do some real research you will learn that what you feed your plants gets broken down before going into the plant...chem or organic...same thing goes into them..the roots uptake the nutes..not expel them. if you want bud thats not harsh and burns well..learn to dry and cure properly before buying into the hype that flushing it makes a difference...the ones that say it makes a difference have probably screwed up the dry and cure on one batch and not another and blame in on not flushing.

Captain X

on a side note...research leeching...if someone even uses the word flush call bullshit...the term flush was given by shitty dutch growers that over ferted their plants and think half killing them at the end makes up for it.