How normal is yellowing in early stages?


Well-Known Member
I know it is normal for lower leafs to yellow and fall off, but every plant I have grown always seems to yellow too early. Maybe a week or two in the cotyledons will yellow and then brown, which is not surprising but the yellowing continues up the plant. By the time the fourth set of leafs develop, the first set of true leafs are brown and crispy, and the set above them are beginning to turn light green. They end up looking like palm trees with a long bare trunk where the leafs have fallen off and on top its nice and healthy. Looking at other peoples pictures it doesn't seem like others are having this problem. It has happened to all the plants I have tried to grow. Some with nutes, some without. Some with tap water, some with PHed water. The only commonality is the soil used which was the same on all plants. It is a mild soil for stating seeds with very little nutes in it. How normal is it for the yellowing to start so early and could it be a lack of nutes? I have always been told not to feed them for atleast a few weeks but maybe they need it.


Well-Known Member
Some soils do not actaully have any type of nutrients in them that will carry the plant at least through seedling and into veg stage, Black Gold seedling soil is one of them. So after a couple weeks in that type of soil the plant has used up its own stored elements, so they must be supplimented. Early yellowing is a sign of a nitrogen deficiency and if it is allowed to continue the leaves dry up. hope this helps. What soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
Thank you my friend. It is "Majestic Earth" seed starting soil. Looking back at the bag I can't find any nute ratings so I guess there is nothing in there. It also says to fertilize a week after germination on the bag. Maybe I should pay more attention. So, will 1/4 strength do for now?


Well-Known Member
Yea you want to start out with a small amount, 1/4 is good. What do you have for veg or grow nutrients?