How NOT to get busted?


doobs how many plants did u gro on that 150w? i was gona do ( in Myfuture g.r. like 200w hps plus few cfl / fluros for side lites, so just wonderin how many would b best 4the lite

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
My house is NEVER empty, either I am here or my wife is... That being said... There is a 12 guage by the front door loaded at all times and a 357 mag In my grow room also loaded at ALL times... I'll be leaving in a body bag before I leave in cuffs!
So if/when they finally find out and raid you, they can get you on murder charges as well? Even if you puss out and don't shoot they can get you for possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, which is another felony.


Well-Known Member
So if/when they finally find out and raid you, they can get you on murder charges as well? Even if you puss out and don't shoot they can get you for possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, which is another felony.

Agreed. Ya that'll help ya out tons when they kick in the door and find machine guns...Maybe they'll be so occupied with all the guns they'll forget about the pot. Or maybe they'll just realize u got that gun because ur growing and selling a shitload of weed and then ur fucked!....hmm idk which one is more likely, but let's go with them kicking n ur door and seeing the gun and forgetting about the weed. Nice man good thinking wow RIU is behind I'm starting a forum on automatic weapons and how if u get caught with hella Mj MAKE SURE you have at least an AK-47 so u could shoot back and if u pussy out hey maybe they will just charge u with shit load of guns and not really care bout weed. Good way to get out of it dude go scarface on em. We all see what happens in the end with the dude going crazy with a machine gun


Well-Known Member
its as old as the hills but still as valid... its a worry!
right steps i would take IF I WAS GROWING
1 tell no one ...blah blah blah (would only grow for me anyways ... wouldn't sell a single gram as i'm greedy!)
2 dispose of all waste in a fire... not household waste
3 keep the op small ..... 600w hps and a low consuption veg box (mine would be just over the 1kw mark total)
4 most importantly...apart from not telling people is consider your insulation carefully.... do not scrimp on this or you'll stick out like a dogs lipstick!
oh and 5 .... smell and noise if your living near haters.... think about it

other then that your still be running the risk and its as much a game of chance (if anyone still reading this)


New Member
Running your mouth or bragging will get you busted more then anything else even if you think they are your friends. There is a thread everyday that someone who told someone got pissed off and ratted them out or stole their shit. Just keep your mouth shut, make sure you use common sense and you will be fine. Oh and don't listen to ignorant friends anymore.


Well-Known Member
Buy as many supplies as you can locally for cash
don't leave a paper trail.
Try to get supplies from a garden ctr. not a "grow store".
Watch out for odor, you can smell flowering weed a long, long way.
Refer to your friends at RIU.


Active Member do must people get busted....well that is pretty simple..they are very proud of what they have accomplished and want to tell others. Further, if you are growing it to sell, do not sell hand to hand. Let a dealer take care of that, you are a grower. Do not tell your dealers you grow it, just tell them you have a connection and bring it in. The fewer people that know what you do the less likely you are of getting busted. Even if you want to be that cool guy that gives it up to friends for free, do not tell them that you grew it. When a person, no matter how good of a friend they are gets into trouble, they will do just about anything to get out of their problems, and sending you go down the river instead of themselves sounds really good right about the time the jail door slams shut.
Here's a way you will NEVER get caught. Use all the standard precautions but when it comes to electricity...use a gas generator. I know most of you are like "Bro...that shit is fucking loud" but here me out:

1. Get a dog house (and a nice size one to...don't go "el cheapo on me"
2. DIY Spary Foam the insides for sound insulation ( Use this as a reference point ->
Make sure, prior to spraying, create two small vent holes (one at the top and one at the bottom) and cover them so the foam won't expand within them.
3. I would HIGHLY suggest to place this within your garage. If you are going to use the Attic then make sure you have proper ventilation.
4. Also, make sure the generator is silent (Yeah I say "silent" but we all know it will make and check out the reviews as well from actual buyers. Spend hours of research if you have to. Here's a link to one I have ->
5. Once you are done and the foam drys, use insulated flexible ducting to cover both holes and put a fan at the end of one (like an exhaust fan used for a custom built computer).

You will notice, even from the outside...YOU CANNOT HEAR SHIT..lolol. Now your electric use is COMPLETELY OFF OF THE GRID....FUCK YOU POWER COMPANY

Note. Make sure you get one of high watt output. I have a 3,500 watt version.
I changed my plan a bit. I shall a 8kw sol setup. Also, I believe getting several forklift batteries should suffice. These companies jack up the prizes for batteries ment for solar setups and other equipment. I would say make 3 to 6 forklift batteries run parallel. As far as the gas generator do a DIY with a muffler mod. HEre's a video on it:


Well-Known Member
I thought about getting like 50 seeds for outdoors too...But I'm not sure. I don't want to spend the money on them when I can't really tend to them daily...They'd probably just die and get molested by pests anyways. :P

Like I said, I was just thinking about growing like 8 or so plants...That might even be a bit much and I'll only do 4...I'm not sure yet.

Anyone know how many ounces a plant will give on average? I saw that Big Bud strain and it said it'll give 600 grams per plant...Which is 21 ounces...Over a pound. I find that hard to believe. Could it be true? If that were the case, I'd be absolutely amazed...You could grow just a couple of plants and have several pounds every couple months, which is a lot fo money...Or a lot of smoking, in most of your cases. I don't smoke anymore...Used to when I was younger, but lost interest. I don't know too much about the plant...Still learning, so yea, I don't know what the average yield is...So far I've seen between 350 and 600 grams, so I know it's a huge gap, but damn...That's a lot of pot. It's hard to believe.

...Then again...My uncle and I found these 9 foot tall plants in a ditch last summer...He smoked some and said it wasn't any good, but two 9 foot tall plants had several pounds of buds on them. It was amazing.
Some of the best pot I've smoked was neglected. Its a strong plant.


Well-Known Member
Here's a way you will NEVER get caught. Use all the standard precautions but when it comes to electricity...use a gas generator.

You can still get busted because you TOLD someone about your grow. I don't tell anyone and I pay my electric bill on time. Power companies are not in the business of notifying anyone about high usage. Even if you did not pay your bill they would not call the police. They would however send you to collections.

Paranoia is a powerful thing! :lol:


Active Member
pay someone to pay your electric, kill the odor when u trim (however the fuck u want to do it), leave nothing in ur evidence, no crime....get caught....shut the fuck up and call the lawyer...remember, they probably just got some fucking stoners tip...not solid evidence, it'll get thrown out.....keep smoking ya pot heads...*drops mic*