• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How Obama Runs America


Well-Known Member
I would cut away the analytical and math parts and boil it down and extract a nugget of golden wisdom such as this : Obama runs our country like a toilet. The pyramid cap stone warrior takes turns pooping with his money buddies, but noone must ever flush. Eventually December will have arrived and there will no longer be any available capacity in our beloved country's "seat of power" :D
Where is that damn like button?


Well-Known Member
I would cut away the analytical and math parts and boil it down and extract a nugget of golden wisdom such as this : Obama runs our country like a toilet. The pyramid cap stone warrior takes turns pooping with his money buddies, but noone must ever flush. Eventually December will have arrived and there will no longer be any available capacity in our beloved country's "seat of power" :D



Well-Known Member
Sound familiar bro?


"In former years it has been British or french and a variety of other things but this year its Russian. Desperate in mood, angry at failure, cunning in purpose. Individuals and groups are seeking to make communism an issue in a election when communism is not a controversy between the two major parties."


Well-Known Member
McCarthy attacks Truman and General Marshall, 1951
"What is the objective of the great conspiracy? I think it is clear from what has occurred and is now occurring: to diminish the United States in world affairs, to weaken us militarily, to confuse our spirit with talk of surrender in the Far East and to impair our will to resist evil....
"It is the great crime of the Truman administration that it has refused to undertake the job of ferreting the enemy from its ranks. I once puzzled over that refusal. he President, I said, is a loyal American; why does he not lead in this enterprise? I think that I know why he does not. The President is not master in his own house. Those who are master there not only have a desire to protect the sappers and miners--they could not do otherwise. They themselves are not free. They belong to a larger conspiracy, the world-wide web of which has been spun from Moscow."


Active Member
I knw u guys might know more than me.. im from australia and watchn ur govt on the news getn involved in wars they dont need too.. the govt blows billions on military instead of its own ppl. thats why ur econemy crashed and america is almost broke. too war happy.

Im jus sayn.. On the outsiders perspective most ppl in my country think similiar also whenever chat comes up.


Well-Known Member
another snippet.

In 1961 Robert Welchpublished The Politician (better known as the Black Book). In the book Welch accused Franklin D. Rooseveltof deliberately encouraging Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor. He described George Marshall as being "a conscious, deliberate, and dedicated agent of the Soviet conspiracy." Harry S. Trumanhad been used, "with his knowledge and acquiescence" by the communists who "controlled his administration". His most dramatic charge concerned Dwight Eisenhowerwho was said to have been "knowingly receiving and abiding by Communist orders, and consciously serving the Communist conspiracy, for all his adult life."



Well-Known Member
I knw u guys might know more than me.. im from australia and watchn ur govt on the news getn involved in wars they dont need too.. the govt blows billions on military instead of its own ppl. thats why ur econemy crashed and america is almost broke. too war happy.

Im jus sayn.. On the outsiders perspective most ppl in my country think similiar also whenever chat comes up.
LOL seriously bro? You're getting the beef from television? upgrade to youtube and stop missing out. I especially loved the indepth video about how America tried to kill Japan with their new atomic weapons. Dive in to the truth bro, television is sensored too much, it's like watered down coffee and I don't recommend that for anyone's brain


New Member
that is what happens when you can afford to purchase insurance but don't and pass on your costs to others if you eventually get sick.

well, too bad that you don't know what socialism is.
Im all for universal healthcare (althou being a libertarian that is borderline anarchist I definitly don't think the government should do it)......However, this big falsity that insurance is healthcare is getting really really fucking old. This battle with dimwits who think like this is a tough one. We already have and had universal healthcare in this country, people are not denied care ever, and additionally there is free clinics. Again, Insurance does not equal healthcare, this is a bunch of propaganda put out by guess fucking who? Health Insurance Companies, Drug Companies, and Equipment Suppliers aka Big Pharma! Hello! Wake the fuck up people!


Well-Known Member
Im all for universal healthcare (althou being a libertarian that is borderline anarchist I definitly don't think the government should do it)......However, this big falsity that insurance is healthcare is getting really really fucking old. This battle with dimwits who think like this is a tough one. We already have and had universal healthcare in this country, people are not denied care ever, and additionally there is free clinics. Again, Insurance does not equal healthcare, this is a bunch of propaganda put out by guess fucking who? Health Insurance Companies, Drug Companies, and Equipment Suppliers aka Big Pharma! Hello! Wake the fuck up people!
TRIPLE LIKE! This is exactly the problem! They have convinced alot of the country that there is this huge problem. They want to fuck 285 million Americans to help 15 million that could have been put on the medicaid/medicare rolls. I think it was just a pay day for big pharma, and all the goodies they could give away to the congressional "friends".


Well-Known Member
I knw u guys might know more than me.. im from australia and watchn ur govt on the news getn involved in wars they dont need too.. the govt blows billions on military instead of its own ppl. thats why ur econemy crashed and america is almost broke. too war happy.

Im jus sayn.. On the outsiders perspective most ppl in my country think similiar also whenever chat comes up.

All of the conflicts that we have gotten into within the past 60 years have been Cold War related. These are the results from moves that were made years before wars broke out.

We installed Hussein with the CIA. 1963

When the Vietnamese asked America to get France out of the Vietnamese country we said no. We see how that turned out.

Iran tensions from the past with creating a coupe to protect oil fields from being nationalized by the then Iranian leader under the Eisenhower admin.

Afghanistan comes into picture starting with Nixon.

Indo China with Ike too.

Angola in Africa as well fighting communist influence from Cuban support to one of the political parties.

Egypt and Israel 6 day war political maneuvering.

American Secretary of state Acheson in 1950 mistakenly left South Korea out of a speech regarding the places America would defend in the Pacific. Stalin saw it as America saying they would not defend the southern tip of the nation. He told Kim Il Sung to go ahead with the invasion. The only goal of the U.N. mission in Korea was to restore the 38th Parallel but General Macarthur got greedy and wanted to take the whole country. Scaring the Chinese of the though of a invasion in their country. They sent their forces and pushed us all back and left a bad taste in everyone's mouth by the time we got back to the 38th once again. Then a cease fire and never ending tension since.

So Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, South Korea, Angola, Egypt and Im sure I could keep going. Simply put the idea of Russian dominance pushed all of this forward. As well as the Mutual fear on the Soviet side of American dominance. Proxy wars.

To really understand the actual motivation would be to understand the Cold War itself more then just on a face value of Capitalism v. Communism. The inner workings of the conflict still have many affects on us today. Basically to sum it up in one word. Containment.


Well-Known Member
well, i don't want to be paying for the person who decides they don't want something they will inevitably need.

don't make me pay for other people's irresponsibility, not cool brah.

buying private insurance is not socialism by any stretch of the imagination.
mind if I buy catastrophic insurance? that's the only thing you can say for sure in most cases I'll need. May I?


Well-Known Member
I knw u guys might know more than me.. im from australia and watchn ur govt on the news getn involved in wars they dont need too.. the govt blows billions on military instead of its own ppl. thats why ur econemy crashed and america is almost broke. too war happy.

Im jus sayn.. On the outsiders perspective most ppl in my country think similiar also whenever chat comes up.
I love Australia, I even spent a night in jail and I still love it there.


Well-Known Member
LOL seriously bro? You're getting the beef from television? upgrade to youtube and stop missing out. I especially loved the indepth video about how America tried to kill Japan with their new atomic weapons. Dive in to the truth bro, television is sensored too much, it's like watered down coffee and I don't recommend that for anyone's brain
He is right though, we are embroiled in a bunch of wars that we really don't need to be in.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Health care-protection racket. Insurance-protection racket. I never had a claim get paid in my life. I sued and they paid off my lawyer. I got hurt and could not work for almost a year. My workers comp check came 3 1/2 weeks after I went back to work, almost a year later. A couple of premature babies and heart attacks that others had and my payments trippled. Screw insurance, just another scam industry which by the way produces huge profits for the corp officers without producing any real product. Provides relief for some but none for others. Manufacturing jobs are mostly gone to communist countries. When I got my first job minimum wage was around 2.15 an hour. Jobs that paid 8 to 10 were available in plenty. If you started at an 8 to 10 $ an hour job $15 an hour was there after a few years. All in Manufacturing or construction, most union. Now try to get $10 an hour to start. Its real hard to find them. Back then gas was 48 cents a gallon, a bottle of coke and a candy bar cost a quarter. Inflation has surpassed wages since then many times. No they been screwing us good, the same way communist leaders run their countries, crap pay for workers and big pay for a few at the top with no real political representation for the average person. Huge similarities between America and Hitlers Germany and the last days of Rome. So many can see it now, but theres always a few who refuse to acknowledge the trouble were in until it finally falls on them. Many credible people have warned us for years about the things that are happening. They have completely corrupted a great system of government and are bringing the country down. Our children and grandchildren will pay for it more than us.


Well-Known Member
Health care-protection racket. Insurance-protection racket. I never had a claim get paid in my life. I sued and they paid off my lawyer. I got hurt and could not work for almost a year. My workers comp check came 3 1/2 weeks after I went back to work, almost a year later. A couple of premature babies and heart attacks that others had and my payments trippled. Screw insurance, just another scam industry which by the way produces huge profits for the corp officers without producing any real product. Provides relief for some but none for others. Manufacturing jobs are mostly gone to communist countries. When I got my first job minimum wage was around 2.15 an hour. Jobs that paid 8 to 10 were available in plenty. If you started at an 8 to 10 $ an hour job $15 an hour was there after a few years. All in Manufacturing or construction, most union. Now try to get $10 an hour to start. Its real hard to find them. Back then gas was 48 cents a gallon, a bottle of coke and a candy bar cost a quarter. Inflation has surpassed wages since then many times. No they been screwing us good, the same way communist leaders run their countries, crap pay for workers and big pay for a few at the top with no real political representation for the average person. Huge similarities between America and Hitlers Germany and the last days of Rome. So many can see it now, but theres always a few who refuse to acknowledge the trouble were in until it finally falls on them. Many credible people have warned us for years about the things that are happening. They have completely corrupted a great system of government and are bringing the country down. Our children and grandchildren will pay for it more than us.


Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;XhobvyIwDLk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhobvyIwDLk&feature=autoplay&list=PL90BB33 898C384F7F&lf=results_video&playnext=2[/video]


Well-Known Member
The same as it is handled now, Medicare/ Medicaid.

Funny Duck, Your the first person from the right to defend our current system. Most comments from the right talk about reducing or even eliminating these programs all together. I say if it's not broke don't fix it. Good answer!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Im all for universal healthcare (althou being a libertarian that is borderline anarchist I definitly don't think the government should do it)......However, this big falsity that insurance is healthcare is getting really really fucking old. This battle with dimwits who think like this is a tough one. We already have and had universal healthcare in this country, people are not denied care ever, and additionally there is free clinics. Again, Insurance does not equal healthcare, this is a bunch of propaganda put out by guess fucking who? Health Insurance Companies, Drug Companies, and Equipment Suppliers aka Big Pharma! Hello! Wake the fuck up people!
Be prepared for LondonFog and Unclebuck to tell you you're going against your own self interest and greedy assholes like us libertarians deserve nothing. What they don't understand is charity and compassion aren't exclusive to government and religion. They need to research gift theory.


Well-Known Member
Be prepared for LondonFog and to tell you you're going your own self interest and greedy assholes like us libertarians deserve nothing. What they don't understand is charity and compassion aren't exclusive to government and religion. They need to research gift theory.
dam right ... if i won this lotto tonight i would do so much for others!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Funny Duck, Your the first person from the right to defend our current system. Most comments from the right talk about reducing or even eliminating these programs all together. I say if it's not broke don't fix it. Good answer!
It is broken. You either have to be dirt poor or super rich. The rest of us are fucked. We're too rich to qualify, but too poor to afford the premiums, copay and deductibles.