u dont really need to check ur ph any more than once a day, some people dont even bother(i do). watering and nutrient feeding depends on too many factors to answer easily. what size of pots, age/size of plant, how much light u have( this drys out soil), have u fans blowing on them( drys out soil), what exactly are u growing in( if u have peat or vermiculite or a dense soil then they can retain quite a bit of water). give us some details buddy and at the end of the day remember that each plant is totally unique, meaning that u could haver 5 plant all the same in same pots/soil in exact same conditions and they all grow at different rates. some pics and details if u can. all water from the tap should be left in watering can/bucket for at least 24 hours 48 if poss. this allows the chlorine gas in it to escape and any parasites to die along with bringing it up to room temperature.