How often do you get bugs in your FFOF?

I tried the store issue. Why I've been to 5 stores and all have fg

#1. Just north of hall rd on vandyke on the right

#2 15 mile and schoenherr.

3 15 1/2 and groesbecj

4 htg in Roseville

12 and Hoover

All have complimentary fg in my findings over the past yrs. Every bag, I go thru 10+ bags a month, and 1 bottle of promis every 1.5 months. Do you think I like putting pesticides in my th plants..hell no. Bri don't do shit, neem (lol), Spinosad is just as bad as promis. But promis works 100%. As long as I do every 4th watering of new ffof with promis .

Damn you (lol)
You jinxed me. My fn master greenhouse controller shorted out on me. The ac plug part. Now I have to run my a.c. constant until i can grab another tomorrow.

You can't blame me for that! ;-)

I don't live anywhere near where you could even quote that many Grow stores. And I am just saying that I have never seen any bugs in the stuff. Or any other mix either.

If I see a gnat or two in my room. I fix my watering or space the plants out better to not trap humidity. Then they disappear.
Michigan do you have some stock with ffof lol. You have 4 or 5 people telling you that there are bugs. I doubt there because of the store. I'm pretty sure bags are already sealed. Doesn't Monsanto own them now. That would be the problem. Have any off you tried Lucky dog? I was buying some soil amendments and saw a bag of it. Might be worth a shot. I have tried coast of maine a while back that's some good stuff. But have to add quite a few things to the lobster compost. I live in the country so I make my own compost now.

I just call ocean forest dense crap in a post above.

And the bags have holes for air in them from fox farm.

And I use the soil in the same state but not the same coast.

And you can go back years and see these same complaints. It is supposed to be hot and burn plants too. I use it successfully from seed/clone to harvest. No issues unless I don't add enough perlite and have drainage issues messing things up.

I also said I only use it because it is available dry and clean out here.

Not a shining review eh?
No shit makes since how the bugs could get in there then. Probable from sitting in damp concrete floors allows them to breed. If theres holes bugs could get in at any time. There packed in trucks and shipped every where.
I have perfect, controlled environments.

The bugs ARE compliments of FFOF soil.

FF rep acknowledged they put in HM to help with their FG issues. I was told this 3+yrs ago.

Your correct and you know it. I know it too.
FF soils are collected outdoors and amended. They have, for years, been the host to fungus gnats galor....They are well, known for this problem and real growers have known this for years.
It's practically leagendary! Even spoken of in magazines.....

FF soils come with hitchhikers....
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I have perfect, controlled environments.

The bugs ARE compliments of FFOF soil.

FF rep acknowledged they put in HM to help with their FG issues. I was told this 3+yrs ago.

Tried Potters Gold yet?
Built here in MI, and I like it far, far better then FF soils. Shit Dr, Earth's potting soil (black and whit bag) is another that's far better quality then FF soils....

If I want bark. I tell the dog to speak.

If I wanted FG's, I would then buy FF soils.
Dr. earth makes great products and seem to be fair pricing as well. I have not seen there Potters Gold yet. I think Main Coast is great. But haven't use them in couple years. I know there starting to get big. So I'm sure there product will start to go down hill. American greed.
Your correct and you know it. I know it too.
FF soils are collected outdoors and amended. They have, for years, been the host to fungus gnats galor....They are well, known for this problem and real growers have known this for years.
It's practically leagendary! Even spoken of in magazines.....

FF soils come with hitchhikers....

Real growers. Lol. You haven't actually proved you are one.

And to your other comment. Potters gold is inconsistent. I used it for a year. Had plenty of the blond peat at first. Then it got heavier and dense and no blond.

I conversed with the owner a few times. He is defensive and pissy. Sounds like money problems run his operation.

Most stores won't carry his soil from complaints around west Michigan.

And all potting soil is collected outdoors. Bugs only live in a hospitable environment. A dry bag of soil is not going to keep a larvae alive.

I use it all the time. I have never seen bugs.

Talk louder. Maybe it will correct your mis-information.

Ocean forest is a bark based mix.
I've used promix, happy frog, FF, purchased from grow stores, landscape supply, greenhouse supply, some even stored outdoors full time. Not only have I never seen a mite or mite damage in my rooms since building them I've never seen a pest in any of those new soils when dumping/screening/inspecting. I've see some gnats come to all of them when I water to frequently though, to eat the fungus I'm growing on top of course. doesnt mean bugs cant come with bags of fresh composting items only that I've never seen them. Its noteworthy that my past guru, and the three people I know that grow his/my style also share my findings and results in this and so many other areas.

blame it on the bag.......nah, not here
Before an issue can be resolved it must be acknowledged.
Its no surprise so many growers continue to battle the same wars over and over.
Yeah, the one's who have actual years of experience growing.

Hanging around imaginary "Mob protected grows in the 80's" (LMFAO) does not count.

You and V need to get together and make a movie. You and your "Mob grows" and him and his "Running gun battles with drug gang's". LMFAO - Make a great movie..You could be played by Jaleel White (Urkel) and V by Jim Carey, OR better yet - You by Jim Carey and V by Jeff Daniels ... Call it Dumber and Dumbererer

You can get your mafia buddies to fund it....

"Mob protected grows in the 80's" In West Michigan? Now that's some fucking funny......bull shit!
Yeah, the one's who have actual years of experience growing.

Hanging around imaginary "Mob protected grows in the 80's" (LMFAO) does not count.

You and V need to get together and make a movie. You and your "Mob grows" and him and his "Running gun battles with drug gang's". LMFAO - Make a great movie..You could be played by Jaleel White (Urkel) and V by Jim Carey, OR better yet - You by Jim Carey and V by Jeff Daniels ... Call it Dumber and Dumbererer

You can get your mafia buddies to fund it....

"Mob protected grows in the 80's" In West Michigan? Now that's some fucking funny......bull shit!

huh? i was a kid in the 80's
Yeah, the one's who have actual years of experience growing.

Hanging around imaginary "Mob protected grows in the 80's" (LMFAO) does not count.

You and V need to get together and make a movie. You and your "Mob grows" and him and his "Running gun battles with drug gang's". LMFAO - Make a great movie..You could be played by Jaleel White (Urkel) and V by Jim Carey, OR better yet - You by Jim Carey and V by Jeff Daniels ... Call it Dumber and Dumbererer

You can get your mafia buddies to fund it....

"Mob protected grows in the 80's" In West Michigan? Now that's some fucking funny......bull shit!

You have virtually no reading comprehension. I only moved to Michigan 6 years ago you goof.

I am from New Jersey and grew up adjacent to Cherry Hill and 40 minutes to Atlantic City.

And many years later spent a decade in the mountains of Colorado before legalization.

And that comment is about when I was 15 years old and met the kids of some famous criminals from New York in Hammonton, NJ.

To pick up some Skunk Weed. The weed you pretend you have smoked.

If none of those towns rings a bell with you you have no idea what you are talking about. As usual.

I also said I have been visiting Grows since 1982.

Growing is not difficult. But it seems reading comprehension is.
I did spend much time in under ground grow rooms though, but during the 70's not the 80's.
my dad and mom seemed to be on top of the game with two rental bsement and our own basement full time.
I saw and smelled it but couldnt tell you much about what was happening. there gardens were larger than what I manage today,
and they had an outdoor farm to die for up north, roughly where I live now.....pure bliss
I did spend much time in under ground grow rooms though, but during the 70's not the 80's.
my dad and mom seemed to be on top of the game with two rental bsement and our own basement full time.
I saw and smelled it but couldnt tell you much about what was happening. there gardens were larger than what I manage today,
and they had an outdoor farm to die for up north, roughly where I live now.....pure bliss

The fields of Skunk in jersey were huge. And in between corn fields but you could smell it for miles. wish I had some of the seeds. I would be a rich man.

In Colorado there were multi level basements built under the big 4 million dollar mountain houses out deep in the mountain pass.

The lower basement I saw where the 90's skunk hybrid was bred and grown had a fish tank computer rigged to handle the old pvc tube style hydro with a sea of green in net pots.

And a massive fan exhausting at the end right into a tunnel underground. They said it went out a vent away from the house.

It had been there 20 years I think by the early 2000's when I saw it.

Not much more I can tell here. But I would love to hear more about your experience back then.
Your correct and you know it. I know it too.
FF soils are collected outdoors and amended. They have, for years, been the host to fungus gnats galor....They are well, known for this problem and real growers have known this for years.
It's practically leagendary! Even spoken of in magazines.....

FF soils come with hitchhikers....
The real problem is how FFOF is stored before we get it.
There's a place close to my house that sells FFOF, but I gladly drive an hour to buy it from a store that gets sealed pallets, then stores them indoors. Never had a problem with gnats from their soil.

But don't get me started on gravel! The last few bags were loaded. >:(
You have virtually no reading comprehension. I only moved to Michigan 6 years ago you goof.

I am from New Jersey and grew up adjacent to Cherry Hill and 40 minutes to Atlantic City.

And many years later spent a decade in the mountains of Colorado before legalization.

And that comment is about when I was 15 years old and met the kids of some famous criminals from New York in Hammonton, NJ.

To pick up some Skunk Weed. The weed you pretend you have smoked.

If none of those towns rings a bell with you you have no idea what you are talking about. As usual.

I also said I have been visiting Grows since 1982.

Growing is not difficult. But it seems reading comprehension is.

If that's where your from - Now I understand your being an asshole......
Car dealer with ever changing stories.
Reads books for 2 years.
Grows for what? 4 years now?
Gets ass kicked off other grow sites for being a douchebag. Including a pvt site run by a guy with 41 years of growing and experimenting.

Your on this site almost non fucking stop. You have no other life but to hang here and play god.
Looks as though your stuck in your house while the girl friend actually works (you say Mrs. but the truth is your not married).
All you really have in your life is her and your life here!

You blame all these different people for your problem on RM3's site and in truth it's all your own fault. You make up stories about the people there and a few here too. You blame them for all sorts of shit and claim you tell the truth.

YET, every single one of the other people tell it differently then you and the same as each other's. Now why would that be?
As soon as someone comes in with something you don't like or agree with - you spin it to be their fault and them to be the wrong doer's. But all those fingers point directly back to you, while you keep flipping your finger to one or the other, trying to deflect you own guilt.

Just because someone doesn't grow "your way" does not automatically make (especially) you,, right....
You make mountains out of mole hills and adjust stories to your gain, at the cost of others. So you look squeaky clean.
Let me point out here one of them. YOU were speeding! You're not telling the truth about how close to the house you were pulled over, are you? 2 things on that MMBSer......YOU were driving stupid for carrying and/or after consuming. To bbe pulled over for speeding here in MI.....98% of the time you have to be going 10 over, or the cops don't find it worth it to stop you...
You have had to be stomping on the gas, in a higher performance car to be pulled over in less then 300 ft - yeah folks, less then 300 ft from the driveway he came from......Got a Hellcat too MMBSer?

I'll bet it was farther down the road. And he was butt hurt about the other guys weed being better. I know, I know, your going to claim that his was "moldy" and made you (and your "wife") sick.....I don't believe that MMBSer. I've spoken to others he has met with......Your BS story does not follow what several others say.....

You have to belittle others to lift yourself up.
Your simply a sad human being....and I use the term "Human" very lightly...

You need to grow the fuck up and move back to Jersey. You belong there!