how often do you shower


Well-Known Member
okay i dont shower every day. do you? id like to but water is expensive and me an environmentalist. i know this is gross to some people but i surf a lot and feel like that constitutes a shower especially after i get out and wash off. sure the water is filled with fecal matter and salt and la la la what do you guys think? :peace::peace:

be nice:joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
i used to shower every day i miss those long showers where you are stoned and take your sweet time.. yeahh steammy


Well-Known Member
oh yeah me too, i have a sonicare so its like a massage for your also got me into flossing, im a weirdo about my teeth


Well-Known Member
If I could only take the soap in the pool....I would be set! Since my better half tells me it will screw up our filter I am stuck with one indoor shower daily.


Well-Known Member
If you dont shower atleast once a day you've got a dirty fart hole:spew:,no way around it.

I shower when i get up in the morning & when i get home from work,been doing that my whole life.


Well-Known Member
I never shower cause we dont have one:(, get a bath everyday but bathing is nasty man, sitting in your own dirt man its sick