How often should i water with nutes?


Active Member
2 questions, How old do I want my plants to be before i begin watering with nutes, and how often do i want to water with nutes instead of just pure distilled water?

Note : My nutes are very diluted, 1/4th teaspoon in 1 gallon of dyna grow plant food.


need more details. clones usually 1/2 strength until about 10" tall is a common practice. in coco i use nutrients every time regardless beans 1/4 clones 1/2 and slowly increase ec/ppm


Active Member
I wouldn't water with nutes everytime, you will begin to create a buildup in the soil and start to burn the plant...this was my experience with it.
During veg, I water every other or 2 out of 3 with nutes. During flower, every other.


Active Member
No i am germinating 2 seeds right now, Once they crack and sprout, how long after do i begin watering with nutes?


Well-Known Member
I give mine a dose of nutes right away from seedling. my clones get a shot of food and cal mag when first cut. be easy with the nutes and they grow faster. once a week i feed mine. coco I do it all the time, but thats a weeker nute


Active Member
i'm going to be using MG moisture control and have 1/4th a tsp of dynagrow plant food 9 - 5 -7 i think diluted in a 1 gallon distilled watter jug


Active Member
i feed everytime. but i only water once a week. seems to be working. i soak the soil though....but allow run off


Well-Known Member
No i am germinating 2 seeds right now, Once they crack and sprout, how long after do i begin watering with nutes?
Depending on how hot your mix is you may not be feeding for a month. Look, it's not that seedlings can't use the nutrients it's that their root systems are immature. A plant with an extensive root system is better equipped to deal with fertilizers. Okee dokee?


Active Member
dannyboy602 i would like that last post if we had a like button still!!

You just kind of know when the time is right I guess? Idk, I'm just going on feel, now that the journal from this grow is lost somewhere in cyberspace

Just go super easy on the first dose and if they handle it like champs (and start growing like em) then maybe increase a little next time around? maybe hit with straight water next time and hit em with heavier nutes after?
It's really just about what the plant can handle and if you want to go big or play safe? Big plants are great...but a dead plant, well thats no fun

I usually wait til I get my third true node and dose with 1.25tsp GH flora micro / 1 gallon of water and take it from there (approx 275-325ppm) using FFOF and coco mix