How often should I water?


Well-Known Member
I am wondering how much water I need to give daily? Also how often do I nute I have heard water, water, water, then nute. Any help is appreciated. I am using a vermiculite/perlite/spec moss mixture for the soil. It is a nuteless mixture.


Well-Known Member
in a soil grow you do not water daily.water when ever the plant feels lite (if you pick it up you can tell if its wet or dry )let it get dry then water it.i water nute water nute.


Sector 5 Moderator
The plant itself will let you know when it needs water; the leaves will droop. Depending on where the plants are, you'll need to check them every 3 days or so.
Depends on pot size also. Wait till your plants droop then lift the pot thats your base weight try to remember and when they feel like that water. water ,nute .water ,nute water and molasses, nute thats my routine and repeats itself


Well-Known Member
I'd go with johnny's advice, and water when the pot feels light (or when the top inch or so of soil is dry). I don't know about waiting until leaves start drooping - that sounds like unnecessary stress on the plant.


Well-Known Member
How often you nute them kind of depends on the age and strain of the plant, as well. Some like more than others, some less. Usually older plants need more than younger. Don't feed them until they are around three weeks old, unless you begin to see a deficiency prior to that - usually not. I usually feed mine two on, one off. Otheres do every other watering. Let the plants tell you what they need.