how often to flush soil using organic nutes?


Well-Known Member
during my feeding regimen i need to leech unwanted salts right?? well using 100% organic nutrients, how often should i flush??

nute nute flush; nute nute flush?

theyre about to get their first flush feeding of 1 gal distilled water and then start their more heavily phos, potas diet.

thanks for any info you guys can lend.



Well-Known Member
forgot to mention theyre 1 1/2 weeks into flower, they have had 2 feedings of a bloom style feed:

diluted x 2 gal

bio-bizz fishmix 5ml
bio-bizz topmax 5ml
bio genesis mineral matrix 5ml
bio genesis synergy 5ml
tropical organics banana manna 5ml
liquid carbo load 5ml
humboldt natural bloom 5ml (2nd feeding was 10ml)

i plan on going to get some deuce deuce today or tomorrow


Well-Known Member
I wish I could tell you but I don't know. If you don't get any help here, try the organic section in the forums.


Well-Known Member
i think its really up to you. some peeps do nute flush nute flush, others nute nute flush, etc. just do what u feel ur plants need. i personally feed, flush with water and molasses, feed.


Well-Known Member
So lets say you need to feed today; You put 4tsp of your nutrients into a gallon of water and use it to water your plant. The next time the plants need water, you water with just water? Then nute, then water, etc?


iv always just flushed at the end feeding one a week if the plants needed water between feed i used water.