How often to water the rock wool?


Well-Known Member
So like every 3 days or so sound good?

I have 8 babies under a 1000w LED supernova, so ya lol I use a booster called superthrive, mixed with a gallon of h2o so I spray my humidity dome with it, how often should I do that? Like once every 4 days? Secondly, for watering should I water my wool daily?

I did not water my wool for like 3 days plants sorta sagged so watering them now :)


Well-Known Member
When you do water them(every 1-2 days) , only water till 1/2 wet not saturated as this will push all the O2 out of the cube.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
First off how old are these plants? What kind of system are you running. When I grew in rock-wool, I used a flood and drain system. And I had it set up to flood the grow tray every 8 hours. Where I used to live the humidity outside woukld be like 3-18%. In a lot of places you could get away with twice a day. But also, if your plants are young, then you might have to only flood every 24-36 hours. Give the Rockwool cube a good watering, and continue to check how heavy they are. Once they feel light in weight take note of how many hours this was, knock off maybe 20% of that time and use that for how long until you water them again. It usually will be between 8 and 24 hours with a medium sized plant.

So even though you watered every 36 hours when they were young, does not mean that they will not need to be fed every 8 hours later on.

More information on your system and inviroment would really help.

Temps, humidity, age of plants, type of grow system and so on.

Also, BUDS.
Why not saturate the rockwool cube? They get saturated in a flood and drain system. When the system drains, the water inside the cube also starts to drain, as this happens it pulls fresh air inside the cube.


Well-Known Member
ok see lol my plants were drooping, I popped seeds the 20th and planted 21st, watered for first 2 days, then started saturating dome-Apparantly super thrive is only to be used once a week-I hope it did not fuck up my plants but ok so ill water daily!


Well-Known Member
First off how old are these plants? What kind of system are you running. When I grew in rock-wool, I used a flood and drain system. And I had it set up to flood the grow tray every 8 hours. Where I used to live the humidity outside woukld be like 3-18%. In a lot of places you could get away with twice a day. But also, if your plants are young, then you might have to only flood every 24-36 hours. Give the Rockwool cube a good watering, and continue to check how heavy they are. Once they feel light in weight take note of how many hours this was, knock off maybe 20% of that time and use that for how long until you water them again. It usually will be between 8 and 24 hours with a medium sized plant.

So even though you watered every 36 hours when they were young, does not mean that they will not need to be fed every 8 hours later on.

More information on your system and inviroment would really help.

Temps, humidity, age of plants, type of grow system and so on.
maybe 5 days old? And currently its just my 1000w LED and rock wool cubes/dome.......70 degrees F

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Oh, so you have them inside a clone dome. Ahhh. I was thinking they were plants and not little seedlings. So I take it you have them in those little 2inch square rockwool cubes. Still it is pretty much the same thing as I said before. Give them a good watering, they will turn a dark grey color. Watch the cube as the color gets lighter it is losing water more and more. do not allow the cube to dry out. I would water them good, pick one up and feel how heavy it is, and do as above and when they get light in weight minus 15-20% of this time, water them.