How often to water?


Active Member
How often do you have to water your plant and is it possible to give my plant more than just the food that comes from the sun? do i water it less when it gets older?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. It's going to be a little hard to answer your real question, which is, how often should you water your plant. The short answer is when it needs water. Yes you can feed your plant nutrients. How and when you would want to do this will depend on some things that only you know right now, like, what kind of medium are you using, etc, etc. I assume that its outside in soil. You could do yourself a favor and read some of the journals and posts in the forum about growing outdoors.
Ask those folks questions, they will help you. VV


New Member
another good idea is to empty a spray bootle.. e.x.. a febreeze bottle and spry the soil until desired

someone else

Active Member
lol ino im only jokin ..... all i can say is cant u tell im new??????
i had no idea it was even old
In the upper left hand corner of every post, there is a date. In the main forum room, even in the Advanced Search result list, there are dates at the bottom of every result that is posted.

It's cool man, it was just kinda funny and I'm high, so the mix worked me into a lather. :-)


Well-Known Member
Instead of helping the guy all of you morons just laugh about a bumped thread that helped his situation.... you guys are idiots. lol...

I spray with febreeze bottle to water mine. you don't have to but it's easier to control what you think feels right

someone else

Active Member
Instead of helping the guy all of you morons just laugh about a bumped thread that helped his situation.... you guys are idiots. lol...

I spray with febreeze bottle to water mine. you don't have to but it's easier to control what you think feels right
Way to endear yourself to the RIU community by calling all of us 'idiots'.